I VERY strongly suggest having a look at the readme as it contains information on how to get particular effects and what the different presets do.
This particular set of shader presets comes a variety of different patterns and settings including specular colours, specular maps, trans maps, bump and displacement.
The patterns folder has preview .pngs of each of the patterns so you can quickly see at a glance what each pattern looks like without having to look in each folder.
The Specular presets will change only the Diffuse and Specular colours and set the lighting Mode to Plastic.
The Pattern folders contain variations for each pattern in its own folder.
Those variations are as follows:
1) Presets for applying Bump or Displacement maps only
2) Presets for applying different Specular maps only
3) Presets for applying ready-made gold or silver on black patterns only
4) Presets for applying Diffuse texture maps only (you can change the Diffuse colour as desired with these)
5) Presets for applying Opacity (trans) maps only
The Utilities folder contains presets for quickly changing the Tiling, as well as for quickly changing the Glossiness percentage. There are also utility presets to remove Bump maps only, Displacement maps only, Specular maps only, as well as presets to reduce Bump and Displacement strength. There is also a preset to change the Lighting Mode to Plastic (for use with the gold and silver presets). If you really muddle things up, there is a Reset All preset.
Have fun! :)
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