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Lights, Camera, Action, Enroll: Find Your Art School Helps Aspiring Film Students Select Top Programs With Ease

SAN FRANCISCO, CA -- (Marketwired) -- Aug 04, 2014 -- With movies like "Dawn of the Planet of the Apes" raking in millions per weekend, it's fair to say summer's first true blockbuster has arrived with an ape-inspired roar. But beyond the hair-raising excitement, positive reviews and box office revenue predictions -- Apes 2 has already earned over $140 million -- films of this magnitude are beacons to the next generation of aspiring filmmakers.

These are out-of-the-box-thinkers -- young men and women who analyze and dissect films with the same scrutiny that biologists study DNA. To borrow from famed film critic Roger Ebert, these filmmakers wish to craft a film so compelling, so genuine that the audience allows itself to be "absorbed in its fantasy and its dreams become part of [their] reality."

Often the first step toward the director's chair begins with choosing the right film school. This is not an easy task. Unlike most movie scripts that feature a main plot and two or three subplots, the criteria behind selecting the right school can be daunting. Social media is abuzz with top-10 lists of everything (think BuzzFeed.com), Twitter can be noisy and HuffPost Entertainment News tests one's tabloid tolerance. Choosing the right film school can't be based on aggregated lists compiled by talking heads -- not when it's one of the most important decisions a teen or 20-something will make.

Recognizing the need to help students navigate these often-challenging paths, Find Your Art School brings more than 30 years' experience to the film school hunt, combined with the latest internet search engine algorithms helping streamline and organize all that defines your top school dreams. Based in San Francisco and founded in 2007, Find Your Art School has already assisted thousands of students at similarly exciting crossroads in their lives.

"For young people taking the first tentative steps that will define their adult lives, film school selection can be overwhelming," said Find Your Art School's Founder and CEO. "Parents, who typically aren't in the creative industries themselves, often lack the skills needed to effectively guide their children down this career path. The same holds true for well-meaning school guidance departments. Creative students need creative people to help them research and discover the school and program that best meets their needs. Find Your Art School is committed to being that essential resource."

A Behind-the-Scenes Look at Film School

Encouragingly, despite industry-wide setbacks, film school remains as popular as ever. For instance, the number of applicants at Loyola Marymount University, a private university in Los Angeles, recently tripled despite a tuition hike. And with application deadlines for many schools coming up in mid-December, summer (already the movie-going season thanks to increased leisure time) is an ideal time for aspiring students to consider a filmmaking career. Students can start early before the school year begins and have their applications on file months ahead of schedule -- a sure sign of building maturity.

Acceptance rates and program size vary widely, with some programs accepting as little as 11 percent or as much as 59 percent of their applicants. Top schools can even cost upward of $50,000. With so many factors to consider, it's imperative that the right choice is made early. Knowing which alumni superstars attended your prospective school (Syracuse University boasts screenwriter and producer Aaron Sorkin) is also critical to foresee the kind of future industry giants you could be building lifelong connections and networks with.

In a summer that feels as if it's seething with unrest, the importance and magic of cinema comes into greater focus. Movies are more than escapist fun. When done correctly, they're vehicles that transport us to other places and other times, fantasy worlds where the "good guys" always win and injustice is always righted. Projected onto giant screens, splashed with vivid colors and a symphony of sounds, movies at their best take us where we wish we could be. The right film school is the first step on that incredible journey. Take action now, so you can shout "action" later.

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