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PLMIG announces Fully Quantifiable PLM Benefits

Oxford, England. March 18 2015 -- The PLM Project Justification Handbook enables PLM Managers to create a complete set of quantified, financial metrics for implementing PLM.
The key problem in gaining approval for new PLM expenditure has always been to create a clear financial case for going ahead. The PLM Project Justification Handbook changes this.  Now PLM saves real dollars, and makes real dollars in improvements and opportunities.
These can be written into capital and project expenditure submissions to make an incontrovertible case for approval. This fulfils one of the main aims of any capital expenditure submission, which is that the justification can be approved on financial grounds alone.
PLM justification no longer has to rely on narrow metrics such as engineering change time or headcount reduction. Every genuine benefit that PLM provides can now be quantified.
The Handbook methodology is practical and straightforward, and generates all of the documentation that is needed to support the justification. It can be used by any kind of company in any industry, in any country.
More information is available on the PLMIG web site. The Handbook and its supporting toolset are available via PLMIG membership.
For more information, please contact:
Roger Tempest

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