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The Data Duel Delivers Skill Improvement and Other Great Rewards

February 6, 2018 -- Pitney Bowes today announced the Li360 Data Duel, a competition aimed at encouraging Geographic Information System (GIS) and spatial data users to demonstrate the business and social value of spatially-enable analytics. The competition is open to anyone and concludes on April 11, 2018. 

According to a recent Forrester Consulting Study* nearly half of business professionals purchase 3rd party data, and the Data Duel is a fun way for data scientists, GIS analysts and others to show why this is in an important trend. Pitney Bowes is making their address-centric data samples through available to contest participants, and offering expert advice on its use. Teams and individuals will compete for monetary awards, US $20,000 vouchers good for data purchases, and MapInfo Pro Advanced software licenses.

Simply stated, participants are being challenged to create projects that leverage 3rd party data to solve specific business issues. It's anticipated that contestants will combine address-centric data with other data types (customer, citizen, location/site, prospect, mobile trace, etc.) to prove the added value this 3rd party data provides. Often referred to as geoenrichment in the context of GIS, leveraging address-based data has become one of the hottest trends in analytics as firms seek to exploit big data generated by mobile devices or other massive data stores such as insurance policyholder data. Geoenrichment allows firms to add deeper context to any data with a location component, so analysts can understand not only where events are occurring but why, enabling their organizations to capitalize on those insights.

The Date Duel is being run on the  Li360 Collaboration Community, and kicks-off with a webcast on February 15th at 11am est. Anyone interested in the competition can register  here and obtain additional information. Join the Data Duel Group on Li360 to receive updates, ask questions and get advice.

* "Digital Is Driving The Next Generation Of Data Marketplaces,” a December 2017 commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Pitney Bowes

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