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DATE 2018 in Dresden received over 1,200 registrations from international experts

The DATE 2018 conference and exhibition attracted more than 1,200 registrations from over 40 countries and concluded with excellent feedback from both participants and exhibitors.

This year, the conference took place for the fifth time in the International Congress Center Dresden, Germany, on March 19 – 23, 2018.

Out of a total of 766 paper submissions received, 39% came from authors in Europe, 26% of submissions were from America, 34% from Asia, and 1% from the rest of the world. This distribution clearly demonstrates DATE’s international character, global reach, and impact.

For the 21st successive year, DATE presented an exciting technical programme, comprising 79 technical sessions including 8 Exhibition Theatre sessions.

The DATE week started on Monday with four in-depth technical tutorials on the four main tracks of DATE as well as three industry hands-on tutorials given by leading experts in their respective fields. Technical topics covered were emerging technologies for computing, industrial internet-of-things (IoT), reliability from physics to CAD, virtual prototyping and low-power design, as well as industrial topics on building ARM powered IoT, computer vision for automated driving in MATLAB, and how to implement domain-specific modeling languages.

Also on Monday, DATE hosted the first and very successful edition of a new forum, “Advancing Diversity in Electronic Design Automation (DivEDA)”, which aims to increase the number and visibility of women and underrepresented minorities in the research community.

The plenary keynote speakers on Tuesday were Prof. Amnon Shashua, CEO & CTO of Mobileye, an Intel company, and Senior Vice President of Intel Corporation, whose talk was about “The Responsibility Sensitive Safety (RSS) Formal Model toward Safety Guarantees for Autonomous Vehicles” and Dr. Christopher Voigt, Professor of Biological Engineering at MIT, who talked about “Programming Living Cells: Design Automation to Map Circuits to DNA”. On the same day, the Executive Track offered a series of business panels with executive speakers from companies leading the design and automation industry, discussing hot topics.

Two Special Days in the programme focused on areas bringing new challenges to the system design community: Future and Emerging Technologies and Designing Autonomous Systems. Each of the Special Days had a full programme of keynotes, panels, tutorials and technical presentations.

During the Special Day on "Future and Emerging Technologies" on Wednesday, a keynote was given by Prof. Jelena Vuckovic from Stanford University, on “From Inverse Design to Implementation of Robust and Efficient Photonics for Computing“. On Thursday in the frame of the Special Day on "Designing Autonomous Systems", Thomas Form, Head of Electronics and Vehicle Research, Volkswagen AG, and coordinator of the Pegasus research project on safety of automated driving gave a talk about “Autonomous Driving: Ready to Market? Which are the Remaining Top Challenges?”.

DATE 2018 was complemented by an international exhibition for electronic design, automation and test, which ran for three days (Tuesday – Thursday), with special emphasis on the areas autonomous driving, 5G, FDSOI and IoT security.
The full list of participating exhibitors and sponsors including their company profiles can be reviewed online:

In addition, there was again a presentation theatre as part of the exhibition (Tuesday – Thursday) with 28 presentations in six exhibition workshops. The programme highlighted visionary talks from industrial leaders, tutorials, and best practice presentations. In workshops on autonomous driving and on functional safety, the application field of “automotive” was featured, along with a workshop on leading edge designs in the fields of IoT, RF and mobility using the technology 22FDX. There were also workshops on FPGA and SoC system development, secure IoT systems, and on enabling ICT innovations for SMEs.

One of the highlights of the conference was again the DATE Party as one of the main networking opportunities during the DATE week. The party took place in one of Dresden’s most recognized museum locations, the Deutsches Hygiene-Museum Dresden, offering the opportunity for all attendees to visit the permanent collections, e.g. “Adventure Human Being”. Moreover, local delights and entertaining music made this evening a memorable event on its own!

On Friday, 6 full-day workshops covering hot topics like software for IoT, emerging memories and interconnects, and new platforms for future cars, attracted around 200 attendees and completed the DATE week successfully.

DATE continues to manifests its status as the leading electronics and embedded systems design and automation (EDA) conference worldwide, shaping the future of the industry.      

“DATE 2018, in its 21st edition, proved once again to be the top scientific event in Design, Automation, and Test of microelectronics and embedded systems for the academic and industrial research communities worldwide. With the foundations of a really strong technical programme, including a vibrant set of keynotes, exiting special sessions, and demonstrators of new technologies in the exhibition, the numerous designers, developers, executives, researchers and professors that attended DATE in Dresden had the opportunity to show and discuss their latest technologies, products, research results and vision to shape the future of our society. DATE 2018 provided a perfect gathering environment to enabling the thinking of how to develop and apply EDA for tomorrow’s emerging technologies and their applications in autonomous systems”, said DATE 2018’s General Chair Professor Jan Madsen.

To review a selection of the best pictures of the DATE conference, please visit: www.date-conference.com

In 2019, the DATE conference will take place in Florence, Italy, on March 25 – 29, 2019, once again bringing together industry and research in partnership.

We are already looking forward to welcoming you at the next DATE conference!

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