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Spectral Design and Test Inc., Announces a New Family of MemoryIP Targeted at the 5G Market

SOMERVILLE, N.J., Sept. 23, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Spectral Design & Test Inc. (SDT), a leading provider of embedded Memory Development platform is announcing a portfolio of Memory Compilers targeted at 5G applications that include base stations & edge IOT markets.

Spectral’s SRAM & RF (Static RAMs & Register File) compilers for 5G base stations and infrastructure are currently being deployed by over a dozen customers in a very unique 45nm SOI process that helps integrate RF Analog & digital back planes. Spectral targeted a general-purpose high-density silicon proven architecture for wired high frequency network application.

“Recently we have begun to see interest in other parts of the 5G eco-system, for example Edge Computing,” said Michael Walton, Vice President of Sales & Marketing at SDT. To address this market, SDT has developed and is announcing its UVT (Ultra Low Vt) MemoryIP in the GF 45 RF SOI process. These UVT memories are targeted to reduce the leakage power in the range of 8 – 10X compared to the generic Standard Vt, MemoryIP that was developed to support the base station part of the market. The UVT MemoryIP will be be a good fit for the emerging Edge AI or Edge Intelligence (EI) markets. Many of the Edge AI applications will be deployed using battery operated devices that require low leakage power in their specifications.

SDT has a third member of this product family that was developed to support the Edge IoT market, which is still in its infancy. This MemoryIP is targeted at scratch pad memories that require low power and low cost per die in the GF 45 RF SOI process. In the IoT market, which really grew out of the MCU market, the cost of the die is a critical part of the value proposition. This Edge IoT Memory will achieve a low leakage power at a low cost per die.

The three unique product offerings targeting high density, low power & low cost in this family of MemoryIP will enable customers to address and explore multiple dimensions of the 5G landscape and possible SoCs development. SDT is member of the RFwave partnership at Global Foundries providing foundry sponsored Foundation MemoryIP. Spectral will be demonstrating their Memory Development & Delivery Platform at the Global Technology Conference (GTC) on September 24th, at the Marriott in Santa Clara, CA.

About Spectral Design & Test, Inc.

Spectral is a point solution provider specialized in embedded memory development. Our products address the needs of library developers & SOC designers. MemoryCanvas™, our flagship memory development product, offers an ease of use and productivity level unmatched in the industry. MemoryTime™ enables designers to model, analyze, characterize and generate integration views for any embedded memory. Spectral also offers intellectual property (IP) in the form of specialized embedded memories as part of their MemoryIP™ offering. Spectral currently supports customers in several different markets namely medical, IoT, 5-G infrastructure and many others. For more information, visit  http://www.spectral-dt.com or email us at sales@spectral-dt.com

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