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Idaho National Laboratory Selects GeoEngineers’ Award Winning Applied Technology Group to Help Streamline Environmental Monitoring Activities

June 30, 2010 -- Idaho National Laboratory (INL) www.inl.gov, recently selected GeoEngineers Applied Technology Group to implement their unique geospatial predictive modeling framework, which utilizes a combination of Bayesian statistics and GIS kriging to model potential a variety environmental contamination. GeoEngineers’ proven modeling framework will be adapted through the project to predict where radiological constituents in the soil (Cesium 137) might be found on a large scale at DOE facilities. INL will use the predictive model to streamline their environmental monitoring activities.

GeoEngineers Applied Technology Group laid the ground work for this system through a partnership with another client, the Washington State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation and University of Idaho professor, Dr. Stan Miller. “Our unique framework and approach to predictive modeling can be applied to a wide variety of spatial problems including weapons caching, radioactive contamination, targeting potential archaeology sites, landslide risk zones, or even the military’s idea of ‘human terrain.’ ” said Joanne Markert, a GeoEngineers Project Manager. “INL plans to use this model in a variety of ways to save money and focus their cleanup efforts.”

Christopher Oertel, a member of the Modeling and Measurements team at Idaho National Laboratory, will be managing the project from INL’s side. “We look forward to working with GeoEngineers on this highly innovative project. Use of this model will allow the INL to perform field measurements on an efficient and field-adaptable basis.”

Scot McQueen, Managing Principal of the Applied Technology Group, also commented “We have a very solid framework that we are adapting to be deployed through web interfaces as well. We are currently developing an ArcGIS Desktop Extension ‘GeoPredict’ that will leverage ESRI’s existing suite of tools and our own unique computational software. We are very excited to be working with INL!”

GeoEngineers, founded in 1980 and headquartered in Seattle, Washington, is an integrated earth science and technology firm with 15 offices in Missouri, Idaho, Washington, Oregon, California, Utah, and Louisiana. The Applied Technology Group within GeoEngineers is a leading provider of GIS/IT strategic planning, information architecture, database design, and business solutions developed across multiple platforms. GeoEngineers has twice been the recipient of the ESRI Business Partner of the Year award.

For more information about GeoEngineers Applied Technology Groups products and services, contact Joanne Markert at Email Contact or visit www.geoengineers.com.