Creating Carpet ( vray)
from rpadc2002

Here are some guidelines in Creating Carpet.

[b]Through Procedural Mapping[/b]



i created a procedural falloff mapping at vraymat, then make another procedural speckle mapping with with black and white color size at .001 each and put it on bump with. Make it 100 on the amount, then drag it down on displacement with an amount of 5

[b]Through maps and bitmaps[/b]


Here i just look for a fabric maps and provide it on the diffuse map, create anothe map similar to the image ( in black and white color) then put it on bump maps with an amount of 10, then drag it down on displacement map with an amount of 5

Through VraydisplacementMod


-at .05 texmap amount

-at .1 texmap amount

Here the diffuse map is the same with the fabric maps i used, then take out the bump and displacement amount. I click then on the carpet object then go to modify and look for vraydisplacementMod. Then i drag my bump map on the texmap and adjust the texmap.

Next is creating Carpet with vray fur, and 3dmax hair and fur

Hope it helps..