February 09, 2010 -- The GeoInformation® Group announces today that Surrey Heath Borough Council and Peerless Housing Group have jointly procured Cities Revealed’s Carbon Energy Mapping solution to help reveal CO2 emissions across the local area.
Carbon Energy Mapping is a low cost, authority-wide baseline model for highlighting energy and CO2 emissions from residential properties. Surrey Heath and Peerless Housing Group have invested in this solution to establish energy loss at the property level to develop an active energy efficiency campaign.
"Housing stock requires careful monitoring and analysis if we are to effectively meet our targets to reduce CO2 emissions”, comments Surrey Heath BC’s GIS Manager. “The Carbon Energy Mapping model will help us to obtain a benchmark of the current residential carbon emissions from which progress can be measured. The option to link to our address database enables us to more effectively target insulation grants and is also flexible enough to adjust the profiles of properties at a later date when energy reduction measures have been undertaken”.
Based on a nationally accepted energy model, the model's baseline CO2 emission value (kg CO2/yr) for each property takes into consideration over 200 physical factors including; age, structural type, building material and floor space. All these factors contribute to the overall accuracy of the model.
The Carbon Energy Mapping model is also enhanced with heat loss information gathered from a thermal aerial survey. This enhanced data identifies specifically the additional energy and CO2 loss from the properties roof as a result of loft insulation levels.
“UK housing stock contributes to some 30% of our estimated CO2 emissions and is one of the key areas we can easily act to reduce such emissions”, comments Alun Jones, Managing Director of The GeoInformation Group. “Under the Climate Change Act 2008 the UK has a target to reduce CO2 emissions by at least 80% by 2050 and at least 26% by 2020. Our Carbon Energy Mapping programme provides a comprehensive programme to support all Local Authorities and housing associations in tackling this task”.
Carbon Energy Mapping integrates seamlessly with Geographical Information Systems (GIS). It is based on SAP2005, which is the Government’s Standard Assessment Procedure for Energy Rating of Dwellings, and has been adopted by government as part of the UK’s national methodology for calculation of the energy performance of buildings.
To request a Carbon Energy Mapping toolkit that contains a white paper, screenshots and slide show, please email
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Surrey Heath Adopts Cities Revealed’s Carbon Energy Mapping Model
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