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GISi Implements ArcGIS for Local Government for Bibb County, GA

June 12, 2012 -- Bibb County, GA was looking for a way to easily deploy maps and apps and like many GIS Departments, looking for ways to become more relevant. Approximately four weeks after contracting with GISi for an ArcGIS for Local Government Jumpstart Package, the County has implemented Esri’s Local Government Information Model (LGIM), setup the Local Government Maps and Apps gallery, and deployed three web applications. Perhaps most importantly, the County now has the knowledge to build on this momentum and deploy many additional targeted, focused applications from Esri’s resource center.

As part of the jumpstart package, the County chose to deploy two applications from Esri’s Resource Center: the Tax Parcel Viewer, and Polling Locations. They also chose to deploy a traditional GIS viewer (a framework developed by GISi that works with the LGIM). “The Local Government Information Model is a perfect fit for our GIS expansion goals. With the ease of deployment and the ease of use of each application, we give our employees and the public a solid product," says Grant Faulkner, Bibb County. "We are very fortunate to have so many creative people developing applications for the GIS community. In essence, we have a larger staff without the related expense.”

Effectiveness and efficiency are the key ingredients to GISi’s jumpstart package. “We have streamlined our services to jumpstart our clients’ adoption and implementation of Esri’s ArcGIS for Local Government initiative”, says Kevin Stewart, Account Manager at GISi. “In a very short period of time, a few weeks to be exact, we are able to completely execute our jumpstart package which delivers a quick win for our clients and builds the momentum to drive their GIS forward, helping them become more relevant within their organizations."

With three applications available on the County’s maps and apps gallery, Bibb County is well on their way to becoming more relevant. With the LGIM in place, the County can launch new maps and applications more frequently, and solidify their place in supporting the County’s business and citizen engagement. “Now that we have the foundation in place, we plan to deploy other applications and maps that will aid us in managing our geographic information and making it available to the public,” says Angela M. Brooks, GIS Coordinator for Bibb County.

GISi, an Esri Platinum Partner, is looking forward to working with local governments to adopt and extend the Local Government Information Model and to contribute to the maps, applications, and tools that will be made available. For more information about GISi’s ArcGIS for Local Government services, please visit www.gisinc.com/ag4lg.  For more information on Esri’s ArcGIS for Local Government initiative, please visit http://resourcesbeta.arcgis.com/en/communities/local-government/.

Contact:  Kevin Stewart, Account Manager

Telephone: (205) 941-0442 x135

Email: Email Contact

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