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3D-CAD-Viewer gets Bi-Turbo: KISTERS 3DViewStation V12.0

Aachen, May 15, 2013: KISTERS has announced the release 12.0 of the 3DViewStation. The KISTERS 3DViewStation is known for the modern user-interface, high performance 3D-viewing, current and mature CAD-importers plus a reasonable set of functional tools to view, analyze and communicate 3D-data.

As V11 the KISTERS 3DViewStation V12.0  ships with a fresh Office 2010 compliant user interface and provides similar functionality, which can be leveraged by the user quite intuitively. The focus of the latest developments has been set to the graphics kernel. 3DViewStation V11 load times were already very short, but V12 load times are now unparalleled:  in the meantime, we were almost unable to find assemblies, which load longer than 1 second, once translated into the internal 3DVS file format.

Examples are a 5 GB Catia V5 assembly, which loads in native-mode in 7 minutes on a notebook computer, but in only 1 second as 3DVS-file – fully detailed. Another example is a 20.000 parts SolidEdge assembly, which loads natively in only 35 seconds, but in 1 second as 3DVS-file too. With these recent developments KISTERS has created a solid foundation for many customer-driven future enhancements.

Other news are related to the file format support: with KISTERS 3DViewStation V12.0 we raised NX-import level to v8.5 and introduced Rhino import as well as exporters for JT and VRML. At the functional level section planes can now be defined not only by the active coordinate system but also by clicking on a face of an object.  A new selection method has been added to the filtering tool: the user now can filter by object type too, i.e. by PMI, construction plane or wireframe object. Filtering by color now allows the selection of objects of several colors at the same time.  We can now display all bounding boxes of all visible geometries at once and finally PMI’s, annotations and markups are associative to geometries now.

The new features of 3DViewStation can be reviewed in our BLOG too.

The KISTERS 3DViewStation is developed very close to customer requirements, available as Desktop and ActiveX product-version, 32-bit and 64-bit, shipping with a modern and intuitive Office 2010 compliant user-interface. The ActiveX integration component is intended to be used together with a PLM- or other management system. All file formats can be used in combination with the intelligent navigation- and hyperlinking features to address needs of complex integration scenarios. There are seat and floating licenses available.

KISTERS is a worldwide growing IT-company which has been founded in 1963 as an engineering agency. Its 500 employees develop resource management systems for energy, water and air, and information systems for the area of environment protection and safety. Professional competence and operational experience with more than 3000 customers and more than 150.000 installed licenses make KISTERS an internationally sought-after partner for software solutions.
One core focus of the IT-solution department is the development and sales of visualization solutions for CAD-data and documents including ECM and PLM integrations. To satisfy the various market requirements KISTERS offers solutions of several best-in-class vendors as well as own developments. Customers appreciate 20+ year experience in this area.

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