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Attend the 2013 GRAPHISOFT User Conference and Earn 10+ AIA CES Credits

Please plan to join us in sunny San Diego on October 14-16, 2013 for this terrific
opportunity to expand your ArchiCAD knowledge, earn AIA CES credit, relax with your
peers and meet members of the global GRAPHISOFT team.
Keynote Jonathon Segal, FAIA, Presents:
The Architect as the Developer

Architects of today are losing control and slowly losing their  ability to lead
the direction of architecture and place making in the  urban environment.  Fortunately,
by practicing the firm prototype of  'Architect as Developer' the architect has
the ability to become the  owner, therefore eliminating the client and the general
contractor from  the design and building process.  The architect is then in full
 control  to create better city environments for the community as well as achieve
 financial satisfaction.

Due to his success practicing architecture as a developer, Jonathan  Segal FAIA's
goal is to promote this method of architectural practice to  other architects, so
they also can have control, pride, and financial  independence. Attend the 2013
GRAPHISOFT User Conference to participate in this amazing presentation!

Click here to review the agenda, learn more about the event and register! [ http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0010WyEJVDbiYqwcOnYCeom71zplgCiWM_fmT5o1UqZkT-juzjxFN5SdSE_Y2wFQrWdTiU3NBx0hWeP7EWDNwczyl1IRvkox4QGEF1-_PFgfK-pWzN7qTddj97ISghVWmKegntRo3jZIAg=]