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The American Institute of Architects Diversity Recognition Program Issues Call-For-Submissions

WHO:  The American Institute of Architects Diversity Recognition Program

WHAT:  The program seeks submissions featuring exemplary efforts to diversify the architecture profession.  The jury will select up to 12 submissions as diversity best practices meriting the following recognition:

For more information on the Program:   Call for Submissions

WHEN:  The AIA must receive all submissions by December 11, 2013.

HOW: Electronic submissions only should be sent to  Email Contactas a single PDF file not exceeding 7 MB.  All submissions must include a signed waiver/release form.

About The American Institute of Architects
For over 150 years, members of the American Institute of Architects have worked with each other and their communities to create more valuable, healthy, secure, and sustainable buildings and cityscapes.  By using sustainable design practices, materials, and techniques, AIA architects are uniquely poised to provide the leadership and guidance needed to provide solutions to address climate change.  AIA architects walk the walk on sustainable design. Visit  www.aia.org/walkthewalk


Yvette Morris 
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