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Advancing Asset Knowledge through the Use of Augmented Reality Technologies


22 October 2013 - 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM CDT

Presented by: Mani Golpavar-Fard, Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering & Computer Science at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Justin Howe, Research Assistant, Fiatech

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Augmented reality in the movies has been around since the early 80’s and no matter what environment the hero is working in he always has the latest, up to date information overlaid accurately onto his heads up display. Reality is somewhat different! In real terms we define Augmented Reality as a live direct or indirect view of a physical, real world environment whose elements are augmented by virtual, computer generated imagery (derived from whatever information you are using) (BIM, ALIM etc).

This project addresses the business opportunity for indoor tracking of people, assets, and Augmented Reality applications for security, health, and safety and operational maintenance of sites in the capital projects sector.

Presently, a number of traditional processes in the industry are labor-intensive and require significant paper-based activities to manage and control onsite data. It is hoped that Augmented Reality will provide engineers with all the specific information they require when in the field and the ability to access and edit information on site. As a result, the success of this project will create new capabilities and further the development of current methods and practices within the capital projects industry.

Please forward this to colleagues who might be interested in participating in this complimentary webinar presented by Fiatech.

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