Ikanos Communications Announces Results for the Fiscal Third Quarter of 2013

                                    Three Months Ended September 29, 2013   
                                  As Reported  Adjustments        Non-GAAP  
                                  -----------  -----------      ----------- 
Revenue                           $    16,900  $         -      $    16,900 
Cost of revenue                         8,263           (2) (a)       8,141 
                                                      (120) (b)             
                                  -----------  -----------      ----------- 
    Gross profit                        8,637         (122)           8,759 
                                  -----------  -----------      ----------- 
Operating expenses:                                                         
  Research and development             12,455         (673) (a)      11,782 
  Selling, general and                                                      
   administrative                       4,589         (250) (a)       4,255 
                                                       (84) (b)             
  Restructuring                             -            -                - 
                                  -----------  -----------      ----------- 
    Total operating expenses           17,044       (1,007)          16,037 
                                  -----------  -----------      ----------- 
Loss from operations                   (8,407)       1,129           (7,278)
  Interest income and other, net         (147)           -             (147)
                                  -----------  -----------      ----------- 
Loss before income taxes               (8,554)       1,129           (7,425)
Provision for income taxes                111            -              111 
                                                               -----------    -----------            -----------  
Net  loss                                                    $        (8,665)  $          1,129            $        (7,536)
                                                                    ===========    ===========            ===========  
Net  loss  per  share:                                                                                                                  
    Basic  and  diluted                              $          (0.12)                                    $          (0.11)
                                                                    ===========                                      ===========  
Weighted  average  outstanding                                                                                                
    Basic  and  diluted                                        71,662                                                71,662  
                                                                    ===========                                      ===========  

                                                                        Three  Months  Ended  September  30,  2012      
                                                                    As  Reported    Adjustments                Non-GAAP    
                                                                    -----------    -----------            -----------  
Revenue                                                      $        31,375    $                  -            $        31,375  
Cost  of  revenue                                                16,620                        4    (a)            16,171  
                                                                                                            (453)  (b)                          
                                                                    -----------    -----------            -----------  
        Gross  profit                                              14,755                  (449)                    15,204  
                                                                    -----------    -----------            -----------  
Operating  expenses:                                                                                                                  
    Research  and  development                          16,581                  (514)  (a)            16,067  
    Selling,  general  and                                                                                                            
      administrative                                              4,507                  (209)  (a)              4,173  
                                                                                                            (125)  (b)                          
    Restructuring                                                          -                        -                                -  
                                                                    -----------    -----------            -----------  
        Total  operating  expenses                      21,088                  (848)                    20,240  
                                                                    -----------    -----------            -----------  
Loss  from  operations                                      (6,333)              1,297                      (5,036)
    Interest  income  and  other,  net                      61                        -                              61  
                                                                    -----------    -----------            -----------  
Loss  before  income  taxes                              (6,272)              1,297                      (4,975)
Provision  for  income  taxes                                  85                        -                              85  
                                                                    -----------    -----------            -----------  
Net  loss                                                    $        (6,357)  $          1,297            $        (5,060)
                                                                    ===========    ===========            ===========  
Net  loss  per  share:                                                                                                                  
    Basic  and  diluted                              $          (0.09)                                    $          (0.07)
                                                                    ===========                                      ===========  
Weighted  average  outstanding                                                                                                
    Basic  and  diluted                                        69,788                                                69,788  
                                                                    ===========                                      ===========  
Notes:                                                                                                Three  Months  Ended        
                                                                                                  September  29,  September  30,
                                                                                                            2013                    2012        
                                                                                                  -------------  -------------
    (a)  Stock-based  compensation                                      $                  925  $                  719
    (b)  Amortization  of  acquired  intangible  assets                      204                      578
                                                                                                  -------------  -------------
    Total  non-GAAP  adjustments                                          $              1,129  $              1,297
                                                                                                  =============  =============
                                                IKANOS  COMMUNICATIONS,  INC.                                                  
        Unaudited  Reconciliation  of  GAAP  to  Non-GAAP  Condensed  Consolidated          
                                                    Statements  of  Operations                                                    
                                      (In  thousands,  except  per  share  data)                                        
                                                                        Three  Months  Ended  June  30,  2013                
                                                          As  Reported        Adjustments                    Non-GAAP      
                                                        -------------    -------------            -------------  
Revenue                                          $            19,115    $                      -            $            19,115  
Cost  of  revenue                                          9,813                          (2)  (a)                  9,692  
                                                                                                        (119)  (b)                              
                                                        -------------    -------------            -------------  
        Gross  profit                                        9,302                      (121)                          9,423  
                                                        -------------    -------------            -------------  
Operating  expenses:                                                                                                                  
    Research  and  development                  12,599                      (551)  (a)                12,048  
    Selling,  general  and                                                                                                            
      administrative                                      4,866                      (337)  (a)                  4,404  
                                                                                                        (125)  (b)                              
    Restructuring                                                  -                            -                                    -  
                                                        -------------    -------------            -------------  
        Total  operating                                                                                                                  
          expenses                                            17,465                  (1,013)                        16,452  
                                                        -------------    -------------            -------------  
Loss  from  operations                              (8,163)                  1,134                          (7,029)
    Interest  income  and                                                                                                              
      other,  net                                                (442)                          -                              (442)
                                                        -------------    -------------            -------------  
Loss  before  income  taxes                      (8,605)                  1,134                          (7,471)
Provision  for  income  taxes                          68                            -                                  68  
                                                        -------------    -------------            -------------  
Net  loss                                        $            (8,673)  $              1,134            $            (7,539)
                                                        =============    =============            =============  
Net  loss  per  share:                                                                                                                  
    Basic  and  diluted                  $              (0.12)                                        $              (0.11)
                                                        =============                                          =============  
Weighted  average                                                                                                                        
  outstanding  shares:                                                                                                                
    Basic  and  diluted                                71,182                                                        71,182  
                                                        =============                                          =============  
                                                                                        Three  Months                                        
                                                                                      June  30,  2013                                        
    (a)  Stock-based                                                                                                                      
      compensation                                                        $                  890                                        
    (b)  Amortization  of                                                                                                              
      acquired  intangible                                                                                                            
      assets                                                                                        244                                        
    Total  non-GAAP                                                                                                                        
      adjustments                                                          $              1,134                                        
                                                  IKANOS  COMMUNICATIONS,  INC.                                                
          Unaudited  Reconciliation  of  GAAP  to  Non-GAAP  Condensed  Consolidated        
                                                    Statements  of  Operations                                                    
                                        (In  thousands,  except  per  share  data)                                      
                                                                              Nine  Months  Ended  September  29,            
                                                                  As  Reported      Adjustments                Non-GAAP    
                                                                  -----------    ------------            -----------  
Revenue                                                    $        62,167    $                    -            $        62,167  
Cost  of  revenue                                              30,272                        (5)  (a)            29,908  
                                                                                                            (359)  (b)                          
                                                                  -----------    ------------            -----------  
        Gross  profit                                            31,895                    (364)                    32,259  
                                                                  -----------    ------------            -----------  
Operating  expenses:                                                                                                                  
    Research  and  development                        38,572                (1,795)  (a)            36,777  
    Selling,  general  and                                                                                                            
      administrative                                          14,227                    (850)  (a)            13,044  
                                                                                                            (333)  (b)                          
    Restructuring                                                        -                          -                                -  
                                                                  -----------    ------------            -----------  
        Total  operating  expenses                    52,799                (2,978)                    49,821  
                                                                  -----------    ------------            -----------  
Loss  from  operations                                  (20,904)                3,342                    (17,562)
    Interest  income  and  other,  net                (507)                        -                          (507)
                                                                  -----------    ------------            -----------  
Loss  before  income  taxes                          (21,411)                3,342                    (18,069)
Provision  for  income  taxes                              343                          -                            343  
                                                                  -----------    ------------            -----------  
Net  loss                                                  $      (21,754)  $            3,342            $      (18,412)
                                                                  ===========    ============            ===========  
Net  loss  per  share:                                                                                                                  
    Basic  and  diluted                            $          (0.31)                                      $          (0.26)
                                                                  ===========                                        ===========  
Weighted  average  outstanding                                                                                                
    Basic  and  dilluted                                    71,086                                                  71,086  
                                                                  ===========                                        ===========  

                                                  IKANOS  COMMUNICATIONS,  INC.                                                
          Unaudited  Reconciliation  of  GAAP  to  Non-GAAP  Condensed  Consolidated        
                                                    Statements  of  Operations                                                    
                                        (In  thousands,  except  per  share  data)                                      
                                                                              Nine  Months  Ended  September  30,            
                                                                  As  Reported      Adjustments                Non-GAAP    
                                                                  -----------    ------------            -----------  
Revenue                                                    $        94,190    $                    -            $        94,190  
Cost  of  revenue                                              48,274                          2    (a)            46,823  
                                                                                                        (1,453)  (b)                          
                                                                  -----------    ------------            -----------  
        Gross  profit                                            45,916                (1,451)                    47,367  
                                                                  -----------    ------------            -----------  
Operating  expenses:                                                                                                                  
    Research  and  development                        43,423                (1,450)  (a)            41,973  
    Selling,  general  and                                                                                                            
      administrative                                          13,835                    (569)  (a)            12,891  
                                                                                                            (375)  (b)                          
    Restructuring                                                1,062                (1,062)  (c)                      -  
                                                                  -----------    ------------            -----------  
        Total  operating  expenses                    58,320                (3,456)                    54,864  
                                                                  -----------    ------------            -----------  
Loss  from  operations                                  (12,404)                4,907                      (7,497)
    Interest  income  and  other,  net                (251)                        -                          (251)
                                                                  -----------    ------------            -----------  
Loss  before  income  taxes                          (12,655)                4,907                      (7,748)
Provision  for  income  taxes                              406                          -                            406  
                                                                  -----------    ------------            -----------  
Net  loss                                                  $      (13,061)  $            4,907            $        (8,154)
                                                                  ===========    ============            ===========  
Net  loss  per  share:                                                                                                                  
    Basic  and  diluted                            $          (0.19)                                      $          (0.12)
                                                                  ===========                                        ===========  
Weighted  average  outstanding                                                                                                
    Basic  and  dilluted                                    69,555                                                  69,555  
                                                                  ===========                                        ===========  
Notes:                                                                                                Nine  Months  Ended          
                                                                                                  September  29,  September  30,
                                                                                                            2013                    2012        
                                                                                                  -------------  -------------
    (a)  Stock-based  compensation                                      $              2,650  $              2,017
    (b)  Amortization  of  acquired  intangible  assets                      692                  1,828
    (c)  Restructuring                                                                                    -                  1,062
                                                                                                  -------------  -------------
    Total  non-GAAP  adjustments                                          $              3,342  $              4,907
                                                                                                  =============  =============
                                                  IKANOS  COMMUNICATIONS,  INC.                                                
                              Unaudited  Condensed  Consolidated  Balance  Sheets                            
                                                              (In  thousands)                                                              
                                                                      September  29,        June  30,        December  30,
                                                                                2013                    2013                    2012        
                                                                      -------------  -------------  -------------
Current  assets:                                                                                                                          
    Cash,  cash  equivalents  and                                                                                                
      short-term  investments                    $            25,645  $            27,321  $            31,176
    Accounts  receivable                                          13,843                12,091                15,748
    Inventory                                                                1,571                  4,037                  8,122
    Prepaid  expenses  and  other                                                                                                
      current  assets                                                    3,640                  4,035                  5,892
                                                                      -------------  -------------  -------------
        Total  current  assets                                    44,699                47,484                60,938
Property  and  equipment,  net                                8,775                  8,925                  8,769
Intangible  assets,  net                                              837                  1,040                  1,529
Other  assets                                                              2,250                  2,482                  2,612
                                                                      -------------  -------------  -------------
                                                                      $            56,561  $            59,931  $            73,848
                                                                      =============  =============  =============
      Liabilities  and  Stockholders'                                                                                        
Current  liabilities:                                                                                                                
    Revolving  line                                      $            10,800  $              7,500  $              5,000
    Accounts  payable                                                  6,206                  5,081                  5,679
    Accrued  liabilities                                            8,771                  8,532                13,688
                                                                      -------------  -------------  -------------
        Total  current  liabilities                          25,777                21,113                24,367
Other  liabilities                                                    2,105                  2,459                  2,854
                                                                      -------------  -------------  -------------
        Total  liabilities                                          27,882                23,572                27,221
Stockholders'  equity                                            28,679                36,359                46,627
                                                                      -------------  -------------  -------------
                                                                      $            56,561  $            59,931  $            73,848
                                                                      =============  =============  =============

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