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The Machine to Machine (M2M) Market 2013-2023 Smart Devices & the Internet of Things (IoT)

LONDON, Dec. 30, 2013 — (PRNewswire) — Reportbuyer.com just published a new market research report:


The Machine to Machine (M2M) Market 2013-2023 Smart Devices & the Internet of Things (IoT)

Report Details

The M2M market has been growing exponentially over the past few years. In 2013, the technology is poised to see substantial uptake due to the growing number of connected devices, the evolving uses for the technology and the increasing list of industries to which the technology can be applied. Wireless networks that are interconnected through machine-to-machine communications can see increases in production, efficiency and save businesses substantial OpEx and CapEx. As a consequence, visiongain expects global wireless M2M revenues to reach $50.1billion in 2013.

Consumer devices such as tablets and eReaders are currently enjoying high adoption rates across the globe. Coupled with the proliferation of electronic devices that already exist in residential homes and businesses, all of which can be transformed via the use of M2M technologies, the stage is set for M2M to become ubiquitous.

Visiongain believes that 2013 will be a pivotal year and one of significant growth for M2M as companies address both consumer demands for full-time connectivity and the government initiatives that support greater mobile connectivity.

Why you should buy The Machine to Machine (M2M) Market 2013-2023: Smart Devices & the Internet of Things (IoT)

What is the future of the M2M market? Visiongain's comprehensive analysis contains highly quantitative content delivering solid conclusions benefiting your analysis and illustrates new opportunities and potential revenue streams helping you to remain competitive. This definitive report will benefit your decision making and help to direct your future business strategy.

Avoid falling behind your competitors, missing critical business opportunities or losing industry influence. In our new report you will discover forecasts from 2013-2023 at the global, submarket, and national level. The report also assesses technologies, competitive forces and expected product pipeline developments. Read on to discover the prospects for the M2M sector and find out what its future market prospects are.

We guarantee that you will receive revealing information which will benefit you in the following way

• View global M2M market forecasts and analysis from 2013-2023 to keep your knowledge ahead of your competition and ensure you exploit key business opportunities
- The report provides detailed sales projections of the M2M market, the competitors, and the commercial drivers and restraints allowing you to more effectively compete in the M2M market.
- You will also discover original critical analysis, revealing insight into commercial developments
• Why struggle to find key market data? Why miss crucial information? Our comprehensive report provides instant market insight
- Our 173 page report provides 94 tables, charts, and graphs. Let our analysts guide you with a thorough assessment of the current and future M2M market prospects.
- This analysis will achieve quicker, easier understanding. Also you will gain from our analyst's industry expertise allowing you to demonstrate your authority on the M2M sector
• Understand what thought leaders are thinking. Leaders hold critical knowledge. Be part of this vital knowledge base.
- By reading the exclusive expert interviews contained in the report you will keep up to speed with what is really happening in the industry. Don't' fall behind. You will gain a thorough knowledge on the M2M sector finding strategic advantages for your work and will learn how your organisation can benefit.
- Read the full transcripts of three exclusive expert opinion interviews from leading industry specialists informing your understanding and allowing you to assess prospects for investments and sales
- Telit Wireless

- Wilson Electronics
- SimCom Wireless Solutions
• Discover sales predictions for the key parameters of the M2M Market from 2013-2023
- What are the secrets of the M2M industry's progress? How will these markets expand? Which verticals will generate the most revenue? Use our forecasts and expert insight to grow your business and give you more industry influence. Find where you can gain and how your organisation can succeed. Avoid falling behind.
- Stay informed with forecasts and projections covering all aspects of the M2M market including connections, revenues, and connected devices with individual forecasts and analysis from 2013-2023.
- Global Cellular M2M Connections Forecast 2013-2023
- Five Regional Cellular M2M Connections Forecasts 2013-2023
- Global M2M Connections by Market Segment 2013-2023
- Global Connected Devices Forecast 2013-2023

- Global M2M Revenue Forecast 2013-2023
- Global Wireless M2M Revenues Forecast by Service and Applications 2013-2023
- Global Smart Meter Installation Forecast 2013-2023
- Five Regional Smart Meter Penetration Forecasts 2013-2023
• Learn about the market prospects for the leading M2M market segments from 2013-2023
- How will individual M2M market segments perform over the forecast period? Discover which vertical accounts for the maximum number of M2M connections, from 2013-2023, along with the highest predicted growth rates. You will be able to assess each market segment's future, seeing progress and finding what it means, including emerging trends. Our report reveals forecasts for the 8 leading market segments for M2M in terms of connections as follows:
- Utilities
- Automotive
- Security
- Retail
- Healthcare
- Government
- Financial Services

- Industrial
• Understand the prospects for the leading regional M2M markets - where will the highest revenues and opportunities occur?
- Learn about the market potential for M2M companies in the developed and developing countries, from 2013 onwards. You will see where and how opportunities exist. Our report reveals forecasts for the 5 regional M2M markets in terms of connections as follows :
- North America forecast 2013-2023
- Europe forecast 2013-2023
- Asia Pacific forecast 2013-2023
- Latin America forecast 2013-2023
- Middle East and Africa 2013-2023
• Explore the factors affecting M2M service providers, and everyone within the value chain. Learn about the forces influencing market dynamics.
- Discover what the present and future outlook for M2M business will be. Learn about the following business critical issues -
- Network Concerns for M2M
- Solving M2M deployment issues
- Security Concerns
- Increasing specialisation by leading players

- M2M Platform Requirements and Opportunities
- Analysis of barriers to entry
• Identify who the leading companies are in the M2M industry
- Our report reveals the technologies and companies which hold the greatest potential. In particular, exploring and analyzing the activities of these companies: See where the expected gains will be. Prospects for advances in the M2M industry are strong, and from 2013 it holds many opportunities for revenue growth. View Visiongain's assessment of the prospects for established competitors, rising companies, and new market entrants. Our work explains that potential, helping you stay ahead. Gain a thorough understanding of the competitive landscape with profiles of 20 leading M2M companies examining their positioning, capabilities, product portfolios, R&D activity, services, focus, strategies, M&A activity, and future outlook.
- AT&T
- Berkeley Varitronics Systems
- Intel
- Jasper Wireless
- Nokia Siemens Network
- Novatel Wireless
- NTT DoCoMo
- Numerex
- O2 Smart Meters

- Orange
- Raco Wireless
- Sierra Wireless
- SIMCom Wireless Solutions
- Sprint Nextel
- Telekom Austria
- Telit Wireless Solutions
- Tyntec
- Verizon Wireless
- Vodafone
- Wilson Electronics

Discover Information found nowhere else in this independent assessment of the M2M market

The Machine to Machine (M2M) Market 2013-2023: Smart Devices & the Internet of Things (IoT) report provides impartial M2M sector analysis. With the independent business intelligence found only in our work, you will discover where the prospects are for profit. In particular, our new research provides you with key strategic advantages: Our informed forecasts, independent and objective analysis, exclusive interviews and revealing company profiles will provide you with that necessary edge, allowing you to gain ground over your competitors.

With this report you are less likely to fall behind in knowledge or miss crucial business opportunities. You will save time and receive recognition for your market insight. See how you this report could benefit and enhance your research, analysis, company presentations and ultimately your individual business decisions and your company's prospects.

What makes this report unique?

Visiongain consulted widely with leading industry experts and full transcripts from these exclusive interviews with Telit Wireless, Wilson Electronics and with SimCom Wireless Solutions are included in the report. Visiongain's research methodology involves an exclusive blend of primary and secondary sources providing informed analysis. This methodology allows insight into the key drivers and restraints behind market dynamics and competitive developments. The report therefore presents an ideal balance of qualitative analysis combined with extensive quantitative data including global, submarket and regional markets forecasts from 2013-2023

How The Machine to Machine (M2M) Market 2013-2023: Smart Devices & the Internet of Things (IoT) report can benefit you

Visiongain's report is for anyone requiring analysis of the M2M market. You will discover market forecasts, technological trends, predictions and expert opinion providing you with independent analysis derived from our extensive primary and secondary research. Only by purchasing this report will you receive this critical business intelligence revealing where revenue growth is likely and where the lucrative potential market prospects are. Don't miss this key opportunity to gain a competitive advantage.

If you buy our report today your knowledge will stay one step ahead of your competitors. Discover how our report could benefit your research, analyses and strategic decisions, saving you time. To gain an understanding of how to tap into the potential of this market and stay one step ahead of the competition you must order now our report The Machine to Machine (M2M) Market 2013-2023: Smart Devices & the Internet of Things (IoT). Avoid missing out - order our report now.

1. Executive Summary

1.1 M2M Market Set for Explosive Growth
1.2 Benefits of M2M
1.3 M2M Growth Drivers
1.4 LTE and M2M Uptake
1.5 Benefits of This Report
1.6 Who is This Report For?
1.7 Methodology
1.8 Global Cellular M2M Connections Forecast 2013-2023
1.9 Regional Cellular M2M Connections Forecast 2013-2023
1.10 Global M2M Connections by Market Segment 2013-2023
1.11 Global M2M Revenues Forecast Summary 2013-2023

2. Introduction to the M2M Market

2.1 What Does M2M Signify?
2.2 M2M History and Recent Developments
2.3 Benefits of M2M
2.4 M2M Applications by Industry
2.5 The Impact of Cloud Computing on M2M
2.6 Big-Data and M2M
2.7 Market Definition

3. Global M2M Market Forecast 2013-2023

3.1 Global Cellular M2M Connections Forecast 2013-2023
3.2 Regional M2M Connections Forecast 2013-2023
3.2.1 North America M2M Connections Forecast 2013-2023
3.2.2 European M2M Connections Forecast 2013-2023
3.2.3 Asia Pacific M2M Connections Forecast 2013-2023
3.2.4 Latin America M2M Connections Forecast 2013-2023
3.2.5 Middle East and Africa M2M Connections Forecast 2013-2023
3.2.6 Regional M2M Connections Market Share 2013-2023
3.3 Global M2M Connections by Market Segment 2013-2023
3.4 Global Connected Devices Forecast 2013-2023
3.5 Global M2M Revenue Forecast 2013-2023
3.6 Global Wireless M2M Revenues Forecast 2013-2023
3.6.1 Global M2M Revenues from Enabling Technology 2013-2023
3.6.2 Global M2M Revenues from Network Integration 2013-2023
3.6.3 Global M2M Revenues from Monitoring 2013-2023
3.6.4 Global M2M Revenues from Apps and Services 2013-2023
3.7 Global M2M Revenue Shares by Application 2013-2023
3.8 Global Smart Meter Installation Forecast 2013-2023
3.8.1 Regional Smart Meter Penetration 2013-2023 Europe Smart Meter Penetration Forecast 2013-2023 North America Smart Meter Penetration Forecast 2013-2023 Asia Pacific Smart Meter Penetration Forecast 2013-2023 Latin America Smart Meter Penetration Forecast 2013-2023 ME & Africa Smart Meter Penetration Forecast 2013-2023

4. Current M2M Market Analysis

4.1 Network concerns for M2M
4.1.1 Requirements to Solve M2M Deployment Issues Secure Data GPRS / SMS / CDMA / LTE Two-Way Communication Support for More than One Communication Type Ensuring Minimum Downtime Cost Effective Utilizing the Right Toolsets Optimized Billing
4.2 M2M Business Case

4.2.1 Smart Services for M2M Smart Service Business Plan for OEMs
4.3 M2M in the Future
4.3.1 System Awareness
4.3.2 Business Case for System Awareness
4.3.3 M2M Platform Requirements and Opportunities
4.3.4 M2M in the LTE Era Switching from GSM to LTE Impact of Switch from GSM to LTE on M2M

5. Opportunities with M2M

5.1 E-health
5.1.1 Qualcomm Life
5.1.2 Macaw - M2M Apps for mHealth
5.1.3 CardioNet
5.1.4 Smart Bandaids
5.1.5 Public Health
5.1.6 Personal Health
5.2 Smart Grid
5.3 Connected Appliances
5.3.1 Microchip
5.4 Connected Home
5.5 Internet Protocol Version 6 - IPv6

5.5.1 Potential Impact of IPv6 on M2M
5.5.2 Successful M2M Migration to IPv6
5.5.3 IPv6 to Benefit M2M
5.6 M2M Standards and Standards Bodies
5.7 M2M Applications
5.7.1 After-Market M2M Applications
5.7.2 Regulatory M2M Applications
5.7.3 OEM Based M2M Applications
5.7.4 M2M Application Summary

6. SWOT Analysis of the M2M Market

6.1 Strengths
6.1.1Cost savings
6.1.2 Creating New Revenue Streams
6.1.3 Connected Devices Growing Rapidly
6.2 Weaknesses
6.2.1 M2M Solutions are Expensive
6.2.2 Technical Problems
6.2.3 Limited 3G Infrastructure
6.2.4 Limited Consumer Awareness
6.3 Opportunities
6.3.1 M2M Gaining Popularity
6.3.2 Enhanced Market Segmentation
6.3.3 M2M Can be Expanded to Any Vertical
6.4 Threats
6.4.1 Security Concerns
6.4.2 Highly Fragmented Market Place
6.4.3 Unclear Business Models

7. Expert Opinion

7.1 Visiongain Interview with Telit Wireless Solutions
7.1.1 Company Background and Product Offerings
7.1.2 Evolution of M2M Technology
7.1.3 Key Trends and Developments Driving M2M Adoption
7.1.4 M2M Will Grow Steadily in the Coming Years
7.1.5 M2M Market Will Grow but Not Without Restraints
7.1.6 North America & Europe Will Be the Leading Regions for M2M
7.1.7 Challenges and Opportunities
7.1.8 Future of M2M Market
7.2 Visiongain Interview with Wilson Electronics
7.2.1 Company Background and Product Offerings
7.2.2 Evolution of M2M Technology
7.2.3 Key Trends and Developments Driving M2M Adoption
7.2.4 M2M Will Grow Substantially in the Coming Years
7.2.5 Proliferation of Wireless Networks to Drive M2M
7.3 Visiongain Interview with SIMCom Wireless Solutions
7.3.1 Company Background and Product Offerings
7.3.2 Evolution of M2M Technology
7.3.3 Leading verticals for M2M
7.3.4 Government Policies to Drive M2M
7.3.5 China will be a Key Region for M2M Growth

8. Leading Companies in the M2M Market

8.1 AT&T
8.1.1 Axeda
8.1.2 ILS Technology
8.1.3 SensorLogic
8.1.4 Sierra Wireless
8.2 NTT DoCoMo
8.2.1 NTT DoCoMo and Telematics
8.3 Verizon Wireless
8.3.1 Verizon's Focus on Automotive Industry
8.3.2 Verizon Wireless and 4Home to Demonstrate 4G Services
8.3.3 nPhase
8.4 Telit Wireless Solutions
8.4.1 Telit Wireless M&A
8.5 Orange
8.5.1 m2o City
8.5.2 Orange and Qualcomm
8.5.3 Everything Everywhere
8.5.4 TeliaSonera
8.6 Wilson Electronics
8.7 Novatel Wireless

8.7.1 Awards and Accolades 2013
8.8 SIMCom Wireless Solutions
8.9 Sierra Wireless
8.10 Sprint Nextel
8.10.1 Sprint M2M Collaboration Center
8.10.2 Sprint Command Center
8.10.3 Sprint M2M Partner Ecosystem
8.11 Jasper Wireless
8.11.1 Jasper Wireless Control Center
8.11.2 Jasper Wireless-powered M2M alliance
8.12 Numerex
8.12.1 Case Study
8.13 Berkeley Varitronics Systems
8.14 Raco Wireless
8.14.1 Omega Management Suite from Raco Wireless
8.14.2 Raco Wireless M2M Solutions Overview
8.15 Tyntec
8.15.1 Tyntec Offerings Mobile Outbound SMS Mobile Inbound SMS 2-Way SMS Number Lookup Mobile Authentication Mobile Ticketing Online SMS Portal
8.16 Nokia Siemens Network
8.16.1 Metrik Solutions iMETRIK iMetrik-COLLECT iMetrik-COVER iMetrik-PROTECT
8.17 Telekom Austria
8.18 O2 Smart Meters
8.19 Intel
8.19.1 Using M2M to Increase ARPU
8.20 Vodafone
8.20.1 Vodafone's Sustainability Strategy
8.20.2 Enterprise Sectors Served by Vodafone Automotive and Telematics Emergency Services eCall and EU Initiatives Consumer Electronics Fleet and Asset Management Healthcare Manufacturing Smart Grid and Smart Meters Connected Home
8.21 Other Leading Companies in the M2M Market

9. Conclusions

9.1 M2M Drivers
9.1.1 Network Coverage
9.1.2 Telematics and Telemetry Increasing Efficiency
9.1.3 Service Providers Need to Expand Offerings
9.1.4 Telematics Initiatives
9.1.5 IPv6 Will Increase M2M Opportunities
9.1.6 M2M Creating Scope for Development of New Applications
9.2 M2M Barriers
9.2.1 Fragmented Value Chain
9.2.2 Lack of Universal Standards
9.2.3 Marketing Challenges
9.2.4 Roaming
9.2.5 Security Concerns

9.3 Way Forward
9.3.1 Increase in M2M Partnerships
9.3.2 Standardisation
9.3.3 Measuring Data
9.3.4 New Business Models
9.4 Global M2M Market Forecast Summary 2013-2023
9.4.1 Global Cellular M2M Connections Forecast 2013-2023
9.4.2 Regional Cellular M2M Connections Forecast 2013-2023
9.4.3 Global M2M Connections by Market Segment 2013-2023
9.4.4 Global Connected Devices Forecast Summary 2013-2023
9.4.5 Global M2M Revenues Forecast Summary 2013-2023

10. Glossary

List of Tables

Table 1.1 Global Cellular M2M Connections Forecast Summary 2013-2023 (mn, CAGR %)
Table 1.2 Regional Cellular M2M Connections Forecast Summary 2013-2023 (mn, CAGR %)
Table 1.3 Global M2M Connections by Market Segment Forecast Summary 2013-2023 (mn, CAGR %)
Table 1.4 Global M2M Revenues Forecast Summary 2013-2023 ($bn, CAGR %)
Table 2.1 M2M Applications by Industry
Table 3.1 Global Cellular M2M Connections Forecast 2013-2023 (mn, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative)
Table 3.3 Regional Cellular M2M Connections Forecast 2013-2023 (mn, AGR %)
Table 3.5 North America M2M Connections Forecast 2013-2023 (mn, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative)
Table 3.7 Europe M2M Connections Forecast 2013-2023 (mn, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative)
Table 3.9 Asia Pacific M2M Connections Forecast 2013-2023 (mn, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative)
Table 3.11 Latin America M2M Connections Forecast 2013-2023 (mn, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative)

Table 3.13 ME & Africa M2M Connections Forecast 2013-2023 (mn, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative)
Table 3.18 Global M2M Connections by Market Segment 2013-2023 (mn)
Table 3.22 Global Connected Devices Forecast 2013-2023 (bn, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative)
Table 3.24 Global M2M Revenues Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative)
Table 3.26 Global Wireless M2M Revenue Forecasts by Service and Application 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative)
Table 3.27 Global Wireless M2M Revenues Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative)
Table 3.29 Global M2M Revenues Forecast - Enabling Technology 2013-2023($bn, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative)
Table 3.31 Global M2M Revenues Forecast - Network Integration 2013-2023($bn, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative)
Table 3.33 Global M2M Revenues Forecast - Monitoring 2013-2023($bn, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative)
Table 3.35 Global M2M Revenues Forecast - Apps & Services 2013-2023($bn, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative)
Table 3.40 Global Smart Meter Installation Forecast 2013-2023(mn, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative)
Table 3.42 Regional Smart Meter Penetration Forecast 2013-2023(%)
Table 3.44 Europe Smart Meter Penetration Forecast 2013-2023(%, CAGR %)
Table 3.46 North America Smart Meter Penetration Forecast 2013-2023(%, CAGR %)
Table 3.48 Asia Pacific Smart Meter Penetration Forecast 2013-2023(%, CAGR %)
Table 3.50 Latin America Smart Meter Penetration Forecast 2013-2023(%, CAGR %)
Table 3.52 ME & Africa Smart Meter Penetration Forecast 2013-2023(%, CAGR %)
Table 4.6 LTE Roll Out Schedule 2013
Table 5.1 M2M Industry and Sector Opportunities
Table 5.2 M2M Standards Bodies

Table 6.1 SWOT Analysis of the M2M Market 2013-2023
Table 8.1 AT&T Company Overview
Table 8.2 AT&T's M2M Solution Advantages
Table 8.3 NTT DoCoMo Company Overview
Table 8.4 Verizon Wireless Company Overview
Table 8.5 Verizon Wireless M2M Solutions
Table 8.6 Orange Company Overview
Table 8.7 Orange M2M Offerings
Table 8.8 Orange M2M Use Cases
Table 8.9 EE M2M Platform Features
Table 8.10 SIMCom M2M Use Cases
Table 8.11 Sierra Wireless Company Overview
Table 8.12 Sprint M2M Solutions Overview

Table 8.13 Numerex Case Study
Table 8.14 iMetrik M2M Services
Table 8.15 iMetrik -PROTECT
Table 8.16 Benefits of Intel's Hardware based M2M Solution
Table 8.17 Benefits of Intel's Software based M2M Solution
Table 8.18 M2M for Increased ARPU
Table 8.19 Key Features and Benefits of Vodafone's M2M Solution
Table 8.20 M2M Sustainability Potential
Table 8.22 Other Leading Companies in the M2M Market 2013 (Company, Product /service)
Table 9.1 Global Cellular M2M Connections Forecast Summary 2013-2023 (mn, CAGR %)
Table 9.2 Regional Cellular M2M Connections Forecast Summary 2013-2023 (mn, CAGR %)
Table 9.3 Global M2M Connections by Market Segment Forecast Summary 2013-2023 (mn, CAGR %)
Table 9.4 Global Connected Devices Forecast Summary 2013-2023 (bn, CAGR %)
Table 9.5 Global M2M revenues Forecast Summary 2013-2023 ($bn, CAGR %)

List of Figures

Figure 3.2 Global Cellular M2M Connections Forecast 2013-2023 (mn, AGR %)
Figure 3.4 Regional Cellular M2M Connections Forecast 2013-2023 (mn)
Figure 3.6 North America M2M Connections Forecast 2013-2023 (mn, AGR %)
Figure 3.8 European M2M Connections Forecast 2013-2023 (mn, AGR %)
Figure 3.10 Asia Pacific M2M Connections Forecast 2013-2023 (mn, AGR %)
Figure 3.12 Latin America M2M Connections Forecast 2013-2023 (mn, AGR %)
Figure 3.14 ME & Africa M2M Connections Forecast 2013-2023 (mn, AGR %)
Figure 3.15 Regional M2M Connections Market Share Forecast 2013 (%)
Figure 3.16 Regional M2M Connections Market Share Forecast 2018 (%)
Figure 3.17 Regional M2M Connections Market Share Forecast 2023 (%)
Figure 3.19 Global M2M Connections by Market Segment 2013(%)

Figure 3.20 Global M2M Connections by Market Segment 2018(%)
Figure 3.21Global M2M Connections by Market Segment 2023(%)
Figure 3.23 Global Connected Devices Forecast 2013-2023(bn, AGR %)
Figure 3.25 Global M2M Revenues Forecast 2013-2023($bn, AGR %)
Figure 3.28 Global Wireless M2M Revenues Forecast 2013-2023($bn, AGR %)
Figure 3.30 Global M2M Revenues Forecast - Enabling Technology 2013-2023($bn, AGR %)
Figure 3.32 Global M2M Revenues Forecast - Network Integration 2013-2023($bn, AGR %)
Figure 3.34 Global M2M Revenues Forecast - Monitoring 2013-2023($bn, AGR %)
Figure 3.36 Global M2M Revenues Forecast - Apps & Services 2013-2023($bn, AGR %)
Figure 3.37 Global M2M Revenue Share by Application 2013(%)
Figure 3.38 Global M2M Revenue Share by Application 2018(%)
Figure 3.39 Global M2M Revenue Share by Application 2023(%)
Figure 3.41 Global Smart Meter Installation Forecast 2013-2023(mn, AGR %)
Figure 3.43 Regional Smart Meter Penetration Forecast 2013-2023(%)
Figure 3.45 Europe Smart Meter Penetration Forecast 2013-2023(%)
Figure 3.47 North America Smart Meter Penetration Forecast 2013-2023(%)
Figure 3.49 Asia pacific Smart Meter Penetration Forecast 2013-2023(%)
Figure 3.51 Latin America Smart Meter Penetration Forecast 2013-2023(%)
Figure 3.53 ME & Africa Smart Meter Penetration Forecast 2013-2023(%)
Figure 4.1 OEM Revenues from Services vs. Other Revenues 2013 (%)
Figure 4.2 OEM Margin Contributions from Services vs. Other Revenues 2013 (%)
Figure 4.3 Smart Service Business Plan for OEMs
Figure 4.4 Global eReader - Amazon Kindle vs. Others 2011-2012(Millions)
Figure 4.5 M2M Benefits
Figure 8.21 M2M Service Benefits for Road Accidents

Companies Listed

7 Layers
ABB Power & Robotics
AFrame Digital
Aeris Communications
Air Products
Alien Technology
America Movil
Atos Origin SA
Augusta Systems
Axeda Corporation
Best Buy
Berkeley Varitronics Systems (BVS)

China Mobile
China Telecom
Connect One
Connected Development
Connected Solutions
CrossBridge Solutions
Deutsche Telekom
DiGi Telecommunications
Digi International
Dust Networks
Everything Everywhere (EE)
Elster Group
Florida Power & Light

Ford Motor Company
Feeney Wireless
France-Telecom Orange
Fusion Wireless
General Electric
GE Energy
General Motors
Glo Mobile
Honeywell International
Hughes Telematics
Hutchison 3
ILS Technology
iMetrik Solutions
Iridium Communications
Itron Inc.
Janus Remote Communications
Jasper Wireless

KORE Telematics
Korea Telecom
Laird Technologies
Landis+Gyr Ltd
Lufthansa Systems
M20 City
M2M Communications
M2M DataSmart
Metrik Solutions
Microchip Technology
Millenial Net

Motorola Mobility
Nokia Siemens Networks
Novatel Wireless

Numerex Corporation
Omnilink Systems
Orange Business Services (OBS)
Palantiri Systems
Pacific Controls
Pedigree Technologies
Perle Systems
Plextek Group
Precidia Technologies
Proteus Biomedical
Position Logic
Qualcomm Health and Life Services
Qualcomm India

Qualcomm Wireless Health
RACO Wireless
Red Bend Software
Redtail Telematics
Reflection Solutions
RF Code Inc.
RF Monolithics
Rogers Wireless
Rogers Communications
Savi Technology
SENA Technologies
Sensus USA Inc
Siemens Water
Sierra Wireless
Sigma Designs
SIMCom Wireless Solutions
Sim Tech Group
Softbank Mobile
Southern California Edison
Southern Company
Sprint Nextel
Synchronoss Technologies

T Mobile
Telekom Austria
Telenor Connexion
Telenor ASA
Telenor Objects
Telit Wireless Solutions
TELUS Mobility
Tendril Networks
Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO)
Texas Instruments
Telefonica UK
True Move
Top Global
U.S. Preventative Medicine

UTC Power
Veolia Water
Verizon Wireless
Verizon Communications
Vodafone Brasil
Walsh Wireless
WebTech Wireless
Wilson Electronics
Wyless Group
Xact Technology

Government Agencies and Other Organizations Mentioned in This Report

3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP)
Association of Radio Industries and Businesses (ARIB)
Alliance for Telecommunication Industry Solutions (ATIS)
Canada's Centre of Excellence for Wireless Commercialization and Research
China Communications Standards Association (CCSA)
European Automobile Manufacturers Association (ACEA)
European Commission (EC)
European Smart Metering Industry Group (ESMIG)

European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI)
Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
Home Gateway Initiative (HGI)
Home Plug Alliance
Industry Canada (IC)
International Telegraph Union (ITU)
The Multimedia over Coax Alliance (MoCA)
Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA)
Telecommunication Technology Committee (TTC) of Japan
Telecommunications Technology Association (TTA) of Korea
US Department of Energy
US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)

Read the full report:
The Machine to Machine (M2M) Market 2013-2023 Smart Devices & the Internet of Things (IoT)

SOURCE ReportBuyer

Web: http://www.reportbuyer.com