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Cincinnati Technology Provider to be Part of the Digital Lab for Manufacturing

Obama’s vision to re-invigorate U.S. Manufacturing takes shape at Chicago-based UI LABS

Milford, OH, February26, 2014 – International TechneGroup, Inc. (ITI) ( www.iti-global.com) a small business located in the Cincinnati suburb of Milford, Ohio, announced today that they are one of the world-class technology companies selected as a partner in the Chicago-based UI LABS that has been awarded $70 million from the U.S. Department of Defense to fund the Digital Lab for Manufacturing (Digital Lab).

The $70 million cooperative agreement from the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) will be leveraged by commitments of $250 million from industry, academia, government and community partners, forming a $320 million Institute.  This investment is part of President Obama’s vision to re-invigorate U.S. Manufacturing, creating new jobs and economic development, and spurring future innovation.

As detailed in a recent Press Release from the White House, the winning Digital Manufacturing and Design Innovation – or DMDI – Institute team headquartered in Chicago, Illinois and led by UI Labs, spearheads a consortium of 73 companies, universities, nonprofits, and research labs – creating a novel partnership between world-leading manufacturing experts and cutting-edge software companies to enable interoperability across the supply chain, develop enhanced digital capabilities to design and test new products, and reduce costs in manufacturing processes across multiple industries.The Digital Lab will be housed in Chicago with a network of manufacturing partners and research sites across the United States.

In 2013, ITI was awarded the Defense Manufacturing Conference Award for their Customer Supplier Interoperability ( CSI) program, which addresses defense supply chain inefficiencies associated with technical data exchanges. ITI sees their involvement in the new Digital Lab as a natural follow on to that work.

Mike Lemon, Chairman and CEO of ITIwas in attendance at the announcement ceremony in the East Room of the White House on Tuesday, February 25th, when the Digital Lab for Manufacturing grant was formally awarded.“I believe all American manufacturers should stand behind the implementation of the manufacturing hubs, regardless of political affiliation” statedMr. Lemon, “The hubs will provide a path for America to regain our presence in manufacturing and continue our global leadership in innovation.”

More information on the Digital Lab for Manufacturing and a list of industry, academic and community partners can be found at: http://digitallab.uilabs.org

International TechneGroup Incorporated (ITI) is one of the world’s leading providers of consulting, software products, and related integration services that enable clients to dramatically improve their product and manufacturing process development capabilities. ITI’s TranscenData business is the leading independent provider of products and services for data interoperability, integration, and collaboration.

For more information on ITI, please visit: www.iti-global.com


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