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Xsens Motion Capture Helps BYU Students Create Award-Winning Short Film “Owned”

Now a Gold-Medal Winner at the 2014 College Television Awards and 2014 Student Academy Awards

Enschede, Netherlands Jun 11, 2014 – This week, Brigham Young University (BYU) students celebrate their second first-place win for “Owned,” a short film about a video game master who meets his match playing against a baby online. Behind these vivid video game characters was easy-to-use motion capture provided by Xsens; so easy that the students recorded all of their motions in less than 4 hours.

Originally devised by students in BYU’s renowned animation program as a final project, the team’s short film “Owned” placed first at the 2014 College Television Awards and recently received another first-place win at the 41st annual Student Academy Awards.

“Xsens MVN was my first experience working with mocap, and it was great,” says Susan Hatton, an animation major at BYU and animator on “Owned.” “When we started the project I was fairly unfamiliar with professional production programs. Digging into MVN Studio and a motion capture workflow helped me understand the production process at a fundamental level.

In addition to learning industry standard tools like Houdini and MotionBuilder, the students also had to develop a pipeline that would work within their university studio, which is designed to emulate the likes of Pixar and Dreamworks.

“That’s what sets our school apart; students leave with the experience of working on massive projects,” says Brian Kingery, recent BYU grad and technical director on “Owned.” “We are taught to understand how our work will affect everyone else within the production.”

Final projects at BYU often see students working in teams of up to 45, including separate departments and artists working at every level of production. On “Owned,” the team knew they needed a pipeline that could easily meet the needs of multiple production teams and still deliver a fluid workflow for each animator. They started looking for a motion capture solution that would be intuitive and flexible.

“We were surprised at how fast it was to set up Xsens MVN and capture exactly what we needed out of the gate,” continues Kingery. “For example, we wanted to record one punch that we could duplicate over and over for our fighter. Xsens MVN’s ten-minute setup made it incredibly easy to quickly get that data and cut it into those moves.”

Initial tests with Xsens MVN helped the team draw insight and reference from the director on character animations. Hatton continues, “Our director put on the Xsens MVN suit and was able to quickly communicate his vision for the six characters in ‘Owned.’ That alone saved us a tremendous amount of animation time!”

With a reliable motion capture solution at the base of their pipeline, BYU’s students have delivered their final project and already claimed two first-place awards for “Owned” in 2014. Many members of the 45-student production team have graduated or are headed toward graduation; ready to face whatever projects the working-world has in store for them.

“I’m not sure how many other schools give their students the opportunity to work with technology like Xsens MVN,” continues Kingery. “Working motion capture into our pipeline really helped us do something really unique. It’s just fantastic to see that hard work pay off with our names up on the big screen and awards on our resumes.”

To find out more on Xsens and its MVN system, visit www.xsens.com.                                                                             

About Xsens

Xsens is the leading innovator in 3D motion tracking technology and products. Its sensor fusion technologies enable a seamless interaction between the physical and the digital world in applications such as industrial control and stabilization, health, sports and 3D character animation. Clients and partners include Electronic Arts, NBC Universal, Daimler, Autodesk, ABB, Siemens and various other leading institutes and companies throughout the world. Xsens is fully owned by Fairchild Semiconductor, an industry icon delivering power solutions for the mobile, industrial, cloud, automotive, lighting, and computing industries. Xsens has offices in Enschede, the Netherlands and Los Angeles, California. Please contact us on the web at www.xsens.com

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