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23rd ACM SIGSPATIAL 2015 International Conference on Advances in GIS, Nov 3-6, 2015 - Seattle, Washington

Call for Research, Industrial, Systems, Demonstration and Vision papers
Abstract Submission: 16 June 2015 (midnight PDT)
Paper Submission: 23 June 2015 (midnight PDT)
Acceptance Notification: 25 August 2015

May 4, 2015 -- The ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems 2015 (ACM SIGSPATIAL 2015) is the twenty-third event in a series of symposia and workshops that began in 1993 with the aim of bringing together researchers, developers, users, and practitioners in relation to novel systems based on geo-spatial data and knowledge, and fostering interdisciplinary discussions and research in all aspects of geographic information systems. The conference provides a forum for original research contributions covering all conceptual, design, and implementation aspects of geospatial data ranging from applications, user interfaces, and visualization to data storage and query processing and indexing. The conference is the premier annual event of the ACM Special Interest Group on Spatial Information (ACM SIGSPATIAL). Researchers, students, and practitioners are invited to submit their contributions to ACM SIGSPATIAL 2015.

Suggested Geospatial-related topics include but are not limited to the following:

- Big Spatial Data

- Cartography and Geodesy

- Computational Geometry

- Computer Graphics Applications

- Computer Vision Applications

- Distributed and Parallel Algorithms

- Earth Observation

- Geographic Information Retrieval

- Geospatial Architectures and Middleware

- GPU and Novel Hardware Solutions

- Human Computer Interaction and Visualization

- Image and Video Understanding

- Location-Based Services

- Location Privacy, Data Sharing and Security

- Mobile Systems and Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks

- Object Tracking and RFIDs

- Performance Evaluation

- Photogrammetry

- Similarity Searching

- Spatial Analysis and Integration

- Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Data Acquisition

- Spatial Data Analytics

- Spatial Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery

- Spatial Data Quality and Uncertainty

- Spatial Data Structures and Algorithms

- Spatial Data Warehousing, OLAP, and Decision Support

- Spatial Information and Society

- Spatial Modeling and Reasoning

- Spatial Query Processing and Optimization

- Spatio-Temporal Data Analysis

- Spatio-Temporal Data Management

- Spatio-Temporal Sensor Networks

- Spatio-Temporal Stream Processing

- Spatio-Textual Searching

- Standardization and Interoperability

- Storage and Indexing

- Traffic Telematics

- Transportation

- Urban and Environmental Planning

- Visual Languages and Querying

- Web and Real-Time Applications

Paper Format: Manuscripts should be submitted in PDF format and formatted using the ACM camera-ready templates available at  http://www.acm.org/sigs/pubs/proceed/template.html

It is important that previous related work (especially appearing in prior editions of the ACM SIGSPATIAL Conference and the ACM SIGSPATIAL workshops/symposia) be appropriately cited. All submissions will be refereed for quality, originality, and relevance by the Program Committee. Accepted papers will be considered for "Best Paper Award."

Research Papers: Authors are invited to submit full, original, unpublished research papers that are not being considered for publication in any other forum. Submissions are limited to 10 pages. In addition to the regular full-length papers, the Program Committee may accept some for poster presentation of the central idea for which a maximum of 4 proceedings pages will be allowed.

Industrial Experience and Systems Papers: Authors are invited that describe original industrial experiences, challenges, and applications, as well as systems to be presented during the conference.  Industrial Experience and Systems paper submissions are limited to 10 pages - append "(Industrial Paper)" or "(Systems Paper)" to the title as is appropriate. Accepted Industrial Experience and Systems papers will appear in the conference proceedings.

Demonstration Papers: Authors are invited to submit demo papers describing original demonstrations to be presented at the conference. Submissions are limited to 4 pages - append "(Demo Paper)" to the title. Accepted demo papers will appear in the conference proceedings.

Vision Papers: Authors are invited to submit vision papers describing visionary ideas to be presented at the conference. Submissions are limited to 4 pages -- append "(Vision Paper)" to the title.

Presentation: At least one author per accepted paper, poster, vision, industrial paper, or demo must register and attend the conference to present the accepted submission. Otherwise, the accepted submission will not appear in the published conference proceedings or in the ACM Digital Library version of the conference proceedings.

Programming Contest: The ACM SIGSPATIAL CUP 2015, with prizes, is a geospatial-focused algorithm competition.

### See http://sigspatial2015.sigspatial.org/ for further details ###

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