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Architects and Sierra Club send letter to Congress urging preservation of 2030 energy conservation requirements for federal buildings

RE: Please Oppose Attempts to Repeal Section 433 of EISA

Dear Chairman Upton and Ranking Member Pallone:

Jul 13, 2015 -- We understand that there may be efforts to strike from the law provisions that establish targets for reducing energy from fossil fuels in newly constructed and majorly renovated federal buildings. These provisions were originally passed as Section 433 of the 2007 Energy Independence and Security Act and eliminating this language would be a significant setback in the effort to make the nation’s building stock more sustainable, undermining the critical, consensus-based work that you and your staffs have done.

Furthermore, the Department of Energy has not yet finalized the rules governing this provision. It is premature to repeal a provision of law for which a rule has yet to be issued.

We urge you to oppose any effort to repeal this critical law.
