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CODES+ISSS 2017 - International Conference on Hardware/Software Codesign and System Synthesis

October 15-20, Lotte Hotel, Seoul, South Korea  

Feb 3, 2017 -- The International Conference on Hardware/Software Codesign and System Synthesis (CODES+ISSS) is the premier event in system-level design, modeling, analysis, and implementation of modern embedded and cyber-physical systems, from system-level specification and optimization down to system synthesis of multi-processor hardware/software implementations. The conference is a forum bringing together academic research and industrial practice for all aspects related to system-level and hardware/software co-design. CODES+ISSS 2017 is part of the Embedded Systems Week (ESWeek) 2017.


CODES+ISSS Program Chairs:
Andy Pimentel, University of Amsterdam, NL

Aviral Shrivastava, Arizona State University, US   

Relevant Areas
CODES+ISSS invites contributions on specification, modelling, design, analysis, and implementation of embedded and cyber-physical systems. The following relevant areas are representative but not exhaustive.  We welcome submissions on novel solutions, new challenges, and emerging technologies in all these areas. This year, we particularly invite IoT-related submissions that will be presented during ESWeek’s Special Day on IoT.    

Track 1) System-level design: Specification, modelling, refinement, system synthesis, partitioning, hardware-software co-design, design space exploration, hybrid system modelling and design, model-based design, and design for adaptivity and reconfigurability.

Track 2) Domain and application-specific design: Analysis, design, and optimization techniques for multimedia, medical, automotive, cyber-physical, and other specialized application domains.

Track 3) Embedded software: Language and library support, compilers, runtimes, parallelization, software verification, memory management, virtual machines, operating systems, real-time support, and middleware.

Track 4) Security and reliability: Cross-layer reliability, resilience and fault tolerance, test methodology, design for testability, hardware and software security, and cyber-physical system security.
Track 5) Simulation, validation and verification: Hardware/software co-simulation, verification and validation methodologies, formal verification, hardware-accelerated simulation, simulation and verification languages, models and benchmarks.

Track 6) System architecture:  Heterogeneous systems, many-cores, networked and distributed systems. architecture and micro-architecture design, exploration and optimization including application-specific processors, reconfigurable architectures, storage, memory and communication systems, and networks-on-chip.    

Track 7) Power-efficient systems: Power- and energy-aware system design and methodologies ranging from low-power embedded and cyber-physical systems to energy-efficient large scale systems such as Green IT and Smart Grid.

Track 8) Industrial practices and case studies: Practical impact on current and/or future industries, application of state-of-the-art methodologies and tools in various application areas including wireless, networking, multi-media, automotive, cyber-physical, medical systems, etc.

Author Information
ESWEEK 2017 introduces a dual publication model comprising two tracks, namely a Journal track and a Work-in-Progress (WiP) track. Journal-track papers, which are full-length (10-page) papers describing mature work, will be published in ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS). The WiP-track papers, which are short (2-page) papers representing not-yet-mature but promising research work, will be published in the ESWEEK proceedings and will be listed as regular publications within the ACM and/or IEEE digital libraries. Authors of WiP papers have the opportunity to publish the extended final form of their work when it has matured in any conference or journal they prefer. Journal papers and WiP papers are mutually exclusive, i.e., a work can only be in submission in one of the two tracks.

For publication of all accepted papers, in both the journal and WiP tracks, the following is required:

• One full, regular ESWEEK registration per paper
• An in-person paper presentation at one of the conferences
• A poster presentation

For more detailed information, please look at  http://esweek.org/author-information

- Journal-track abstract submission:   
  March 31, 2017

- Journal-track paper submission:   
  April 7, 2017 (Firm deadline)

- First journal-track paper notification:   
  May 21, 2017

- WiP paper submission: 
  June 2, 2017 (Firm deadline)
- Revised journal-track paper submission:
  June 11, 2017

- Notification of acceptance:   
  June 30, 2017

- Camera-ready version:   
  July 14, 2017