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RCI, Inc. to Hold 2018 Canadian Symposium on Building Envelope Technology

Two-Days of Expert-Led Education Offering Design Solutions for Buildings' Exterior Envelopes

Raleigh, NC - RCI, Inc. has set the date and location for the associations' first Canadian Building Envelope Technology Symposium. An in-depth educational program for building exterior designers and repair professionals, the event will be held September 13-14, 2018, at the Hilton Mississauga/Meadowvale in Mississauga, ON.
The two-day symposium features 12 unique educational sessions presented by leading building envelope design consultants. Speakers offer experience-based insights for the specification of sound, durable exterior envelopes. Most programs focus on repair and sustainable design methods for strengthening and improving existing structures. Special emphasis will be given to present topics of relevance to northern North American climates.
Leading building envelope product manufacturers will be present with displays of the latest products and services. Over 100 building envelope professionals and 20 exhibiting companies are expected to attend.
While this is the first event hosted in Canada. The association has hosted similar events for over 20 years. The symposium offers 12 continuing education credits from RCI, Inc.

For more information, visit rci-online.org or call 800-828-1902.
RCI, Inc. is an international association of building envelope consultants whose members specialize in design, investigation, repair, and management of roofing, exterior wall, and waterproofing systems. RCI regularly hosts education programs designed to demystify and explain the application of roofing, waterproofing, and exterior wall technologies.
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