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May 2, 2018 - Chicago, IL - The Metal Construction Association (MCA) has published a Best Practices Guide for Standing Seam Roof Clips, downloadable at www.metalconstruction.org/technical-resources.

Most standing seam panel installations require specific fastening techniques to allow for thermal expansion and contraction while also safeguarding against attachment fatigue. This guide focuses on clip-attached style standing seam roof systems, addressing details and concerns for proper selection and use of the connection that anchors the roof panel to roof panel support elements.

"This guide goes beyond what is typically provided by manufacturers," says Karl Hielscher, MCA's Executive Director. "Proper attachment is key to the long-term performance of metal roofing. Our aim is to provide information to those who are in specification and installation roles to optimize performance of the metal roofs on their projects."

The Standing Seam Roof Clips Best Practices Guide is among more than 50 technical resources for free download on the MCA website covering a wide range of metal construction applications.

About the Metal Construction Association

The Metal Construction Association brings together a diverse industry for the purpose of expanding the use of metal in construction through marketing, research, technology and education. Companies involved in MCA gain tremendous benefit from association activities that focus on research, codes and standards, market development, and technical programs. MCA's market development efforts increase the use of metal materials in construction through the education of the building and design communities about the benefits of metal. For more information visit: www.metalconstruction.org.


Jennifer Smith
Vilocity Interactive
480-584-5700, ext. 206
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