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Architects & Students Design Models of Safer Schools at AIA/Chicago Ideas Workshop

Members of the media are invited to attend.

The American Institute of Architects (AIA) and Chicago Ideas will bring high school students and architects together to design models of safer schools at an innovative workshop in Chicago on Wednesday, Oct. 10.

During the session, students will provide architects with their concerns at school, whether it be issues of bullying, harassment or violence. The architects and students will work together to help address the concerns through design. Students will present their models at the end of the session.

The workshop is part of the Institute’s initiatives to shape school design policies and ongoing K-12 educational efforts, which aim to increase visibility of the architecture profession among students.

Members of the media interested in attending the workshop should contact AIA’s Sr. Director of Media Strategy Jessie Cornelius by calling (202) 626-7302 or by Email Contact. The event is not open to the public.

WHO: High school students and K-12 architects Peter Exley, FAIA, Oswaldo Ortega, AIA, Linda Keane, AIA, Joe Lai, AIA, Helen Slade, AIA, and John Clark, AIA.

WHEN: 2:30-5 p.m. CT, Wednesday, Oct. 10, 2018

WHERE: Gensler, 11 East Madison St., Suite #300, Chicago, Illinois 60602

 -  aia.org - 
Matt Tinder
(202) 626 7462 