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Rheticus and ERDAS IMAGINE team up for ground displacement monitoring

Rheticus® Displacement service is now available in ERDAS IMAGINE 2018.

Hexagon Geospatial has teamed up with Planetek Italia to offer a connection to a Time-Series DInSAR Displacement Monitoring Service from directly within ERDAS IMAGINE interface.

The new functionality in ERDAS IMAGINE provides users with access to Planetek’s Rheticus® Displacement service to retrieve information about ground surface changes over the AOI with millimetre precision, a vital information in numerous applications.

Rheticus® Displacement is a continuous monitoring service developed by Planetek Italia, which exploits the information capacity of Sentinel-1 satellites to provide subscribed users an easy access to timely and accurate information in form of dynamic maps, geoanalytics, reports and alerts, fundamental for organizations and professionals.

Rheticus® Displacement has already been adopted by organizations worldwide working in engineering, utilities management, civil protection, master plan management and insurance sectors and is provided by Rheticus® Authorized Partners.

Thanks to the integration in ERDAS IMAGINE interface users will access the service through the “Time-Series DInSAR Service Request dialog” by simply specifying the area to be analyzed and the intended application. Once analysis is completed, results are posted to customer via Hexagon cloud M.App Chest.

Users who activate the service will periodically receive data in vector format, derived from the interferometric analysis on their area of interest and some custom plug-ins that facilitate statistical and spatial analysis, as in the example shown, which it allows to obtain a map of the hot-spots of the points that are more critical. Data relating to monitoring will also be accessible through web services.

Using these data in ERDAS IMAGINE users can refine the analysis on their area of interest by monitoring the evolution in time of displacements and comparing the data of the interferometric analysis with the data obtained with other tools already available in ERDAS IMAGINE (Displacement Mapping, Coherence Change Detection, etc.).

To find out how the tool works within ERDAS IMAGINE, contact the Planetek Italia staff by writing to sales @ planetek.it

Rheticus® Displacement is available as a Smart M.App.
By integrating contents generated by Rheticus® Platform with Hexagon Geospatial’s Smart M.App technology, Planetek Italia succeeded in creating several monitoring services that provide timely solutions to address users’ needs in various industries and vertical markets.

Planetek released four Smart M.Apps: Rheticus® Network Alert, Rheticus® Bridge Alert, Rheticus® Railways Alert and Rheticus® Infrastructure Alert, all designed around Rheticus® Displacement fuelled by radar data. These vertical services transform data into actionable knowledge thanks to our business intelligence tools, overcoming the concept of static maps.

Rheticus® Network Alert is available on the store of Hexagon Geospatial and is now distributed worldwide through the global network of Hexagon’s partners.

In 2017, after the release of Rheticus® platform, Planetek Italia was awarded the “EARSC European Earth Observation Company of the Year” and recently received the “2018 Best Go-to Market Strategy 2018 Award” from Hexagon Geospatial, announced at the HxGN Live 2018 Conference in Las Vegas – Nevada.

Discover more about Rheticus® Displacement and Rheticus® Network Alert at www.rheticus.eu

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