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Axiom's RefManager now clones MicroStation reference files.

CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, USA - Axiom, the world's most experienced developer of time-saving MicroStation software solutions, announces a new release of RefManager.

RefManager now automates the process of adding new or revised reference files to multiple plot sheets as a project's design evolves. For example, MicroStation users can now use RefManager to add new reference files to multiple sheets along a roadway. With RefManager, 50, 100, 200 or more sheet files can be automatically updated in one batch. Each new attachment clones (copies, duplicates) the attachment settings of a pre-existing attachment (which is already properly scaled, rotated, clipped, and so forth).

A cloned attachment is a new reference file that inherits the clipping, scale, rotation, offset, level display, level symbology and all other settings of an existing attachment. RefManager also ensures each cloned attachment is created with a user-defined logical name and description.

How To Contact Axiom

Axiom's Web site can be found at www.AxiomInt.com. For more information, call Axiom at 727-442-7774 extension 9944 or e-mail Email Contact.

About Axiom

Axiom is the world's most experienced developer of time-saving MicroStation software solutions. Based in Clearwater, Florida, Axiom has been developing software for MicroStation for 20 years. MicroStation is the flagship CAD package of Bentley Systems, Incorporated of Exton, Pennsylvania.

Press Contact:

Wayne Porter
Email Contact