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Arc2TatukGIS plug-in for Porting ArcGIS Projects to TatukGIS

TatukGIS is pleased to announce availability of the free Arc2TatukGIS plug-in for porting existing GIS projects from ESRI ArcGIS to TatukGIS software products. ArcGIS users can download and use this plug-in which will install within an ArcGIS environment. The exported TatukGIS project can be opened and used in any product supporting the TatukGIS project file, which means the free TatukGIS Viewer, TatukGIS Editor, TatukGIS Internet Server, and any custom application developed with the TatukGIS Developer Kernel (SDK).

Arc2TatuGIS performs the following:

Use of Arc2TatukGIS in combination with the free TatukGIS Viewer gives ArcGIS users the means to distribute any ArcGIS project to anyone, for use on any Windows computer, without the purchase of any additional software. Distributed projects can be opened in the TatukGIS Viewer with just one click. The same is true with opening the exported project in other TatukGIS products or any custom applications developed by TatukGIS customers using the Developer Kernel (SDK).

If the original ArcGIS project contains ESRI Personal Geodatabase or ArcSDE layers, each exported SHP file layer in the TatukGIS project can be replaced with the original Personal Geodatabase or ArcSDE layer by manually manipulating the TatukGIS *.ttkgp project file. All TatukGIS products support Personal Geodatabase format map layers and all TatukGIS products except the free Viewer support ArcSDE layers.

Arc2TatukGIS was developed by TatukGIS customer Idan Computers Ltd. ( www.idan.com) and contributed to TatukGIS for free distribution to other users of TatukGIS products. The plug-in is available for download from the Downloads page on the www.tatukgis.com web site. Contact Email Contact with any questions.

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