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American Institute of Architects (AIA) Announces the Release of Six New Documents Including a First of Its Kind Building Information Model Hands-on Tool

WASHINGTON—(BUSINESS WIRE)—September 24, 2008— The American Institute of Architects (AIA) today announced the upcoming release of six new AIA Contract Documents on October 17, 2008, including a new Building Information Modeling (BIM) exhibit, as well as two new Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) agreements, two new Design-Build agreements and a Scope of Services document. These new documents, collectively called the 3.5 Release, build on AIA Contract Documents 120 years of experience in defining the contractual relationships in the design and construction industry.

We understand that the design and construction industry is evolving and we are pleased to lead the way by introducing new documents that provide a road map for navigating BIM and IPD, said Suzanne Harness, Managing Director and Counsel, AIA Contract Documents. This latest release continues the AIAs long-standing tradition of providing documents that are easy to use, reflect current industry practices, and fairly balance all parties interests.

New BIM Exhibit

The first of its kind in the industry, the new E202-2008 was written by industry practitioners as a practical tool for managing the use of BIM across the entire project. Among other things, it sets the requirements and authorized uses for BIM content, and identifies BIM authors at five progressive levels of development. It also establishes protocols for model ownership, conflict resolution, storage, viewing, and archiving. Although written primarily to support a project using IPD, E202-2008 may also be used with more traditional methods of project delivery.

For the first time in the industry, this new AIA tool effectively allows users to work in partnership and assign responsibilities to successfully manage a BIM model. All parties can specify and understand each others level of development within the model and reference it with confidence at any time, said Jim Bedrick, Vice President of Virtual Building and Design at Webcor Builders in San Mateo, California. So the bottom line is; all team members know what they can expect from each other with this new AIA BIM Exhibit.

A free sample of the E202-2008 BIM Exhibit will be available at www.aiacontractdocuments.org after October 17, 2008.

New IPD Agreements

The two new IPD Agreements, C196-2008 and C197-2008, round out the IPD Single Purpose Entity (SPE) family of AIA Contract Documents and provide the contractual structure the SPE needs to secure funding and to design and construct the project. These agreements take care of the details, such as how insurance will apply, how members may be paid for their services and limit their liability, which costs are allowable, how a member can earn profit through incentive compensation, and what happens at the end of the project.

New Design Build (DB) Agreements

These two new design-build agreements, A441-2008 and C441-2008, complete the AIAs Design-Build Family of documents by communicating down to the architects consultants and to the subcontractors the essential provisions of the original 2004 agreements. They address contractor/subcontractor and architect/consultant relationships including respective rights and responsibilities, roles, communications, compensation, dispute resolution, and payment. In developing the new agreements, the AIA followed its standard practice of soliciting input and feedback from across the industry to ensure that the new agreements would address stakeholder interests.

New On-Site Project Representation Document

The new On-Site Project Representation scope of services document, B207-2008 (formerly B352-2000), adds to the more than 30 existing AIA Contract Documents B-Series documents for use in establishing agreements between owners and architects. The B207-2008 document provides agreement on the number of architects representatives stationed at the project site, the services to be preformed, and the owners responsibilities. B207-2008 eliminates the need to create a custom scope of services document, thus saving time and money.

Format and Availability

The new documents will be available electronically in AIA Contract Documents software beginning October 17, 2008, as well as in paper form (E202-2008 will only be available in AIA software). The software allows users to generate and customize Microsoft Word files for easy collaboration and distribution.

AIA Contract Documents software can be purchased at www.aia.org/docs. Documents in paper form are available through the AIAs full service distributors. For a listing of full service distributors and pricing information, please visit www.aia.org/docs_purchase.

About The American Institute of Architects

For over 150 years, members of the American Institute of Architects have worked with each other and their communities to create more valuable, healthy, secure, and sustainable buildings and cityscapes. By using sustainable design practices, materials, and techniques, AIA architects are uniquely poised to provide the leadership and guidance needed to provide solutions to address climate change. AIA architects walk the walk on sustainable design. Visit www.aia.org/walkthewalk.


Nicole Mudloff, 212-931-6168
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