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Si2 Announces Member Demonstrations at the 13th Si2/OpenAccess+ Conference

October 03, 2008 -- Twelve companies/organizations will be demonstrating their Si2 project-based products and solutions at the 13th Si2/OpenAccess Conference on October 13 at the Network Meeting Center at Techmart, Santa Clara, CA.

Analog Rails: will demonstrate analog IC design automation. Setup measurements and analysis and hit button. Arails will optimize, place, route, extract, simulate! Arails has a fully featured schematic, simulation, optimization, place, route, and layout extraction on the fly design environment. A single database allows crossprobing between waveform, schematic, and layout editor. It is also DRC/LVS correct by construction. Rulers not needed. Devices automatically snap and align, taking into account design rules and connectivity from the schematic. Router will autosize wires based on current.

Cadence Design Systems: will demonstrate Virtuoso, the industrys most widely used, powerful and comprehensive analog design system running natively on OpenAccess. Schematic driven layout construction will be highlighted where design constraints in the schematic are automatically observed during layout creation. The value of this technique has been proven in a large number of production tapeouts of complex analog circuits with first pass silicon success using Virtuoso IC6.1. In addition to greater functionality for Cadence tools, OpenAccess enables the interoperability between tools by different vendors. Cadence will also be demonstrating the production - proven integration between Virtuoso and Cliosoft for seamless design data management.

Ciranova: will demonstrate Helix, the industry's first automated analog layout solution that delivers design-rule-correct placement comparable and often smaller than hand layout. Helix is OpenAccess native, so it integrates smoothly with any OpenAccess flow. Helix uses Interoperable PDK Libraries to enable analog IP that is portable across processes.

IPL Alliance: will demonstrate interoperability of the same Interoperable PDK Library (IPL) across multiple OpenAccess tools from multiple vendors.

Nangate: will demonstrate its Library Creator platform with a built-in and fully automated characterization engine providing all required frontend and backend library views needed for digital IC design. With Library Creator enhancements of an existing library, migration between process nodes, cell based power/leakage or DFM optimization can be done in an all integrated environment. Nangate Library Creator was used to develop the free 45nm Open Cell Library ( www.opencelllibrary.org).

Parallel Engines: will be showing a next generation Framework for integration of OpenAccess, and other database programs, into a common graphical and batch environment. DimensionsTM Framework is an extension point based plug-in architecture with C++, Qt, Python and TCL, and is representative of the OpenEngines approach to building EDA applications. Components dynamically assembled by at runtime form suites of tools. Docking Framework supports any number of editors, databases, and navigators working in concert via events in a multi-screen GUI. Company will be showing an array of editors operating in this environment.

OpenAccess Coalition: The OAC will present two demos.

OAC Wiki: a new, Coalition-wide wiki environment designed to encourage OA community collaboration and simplify exchange of information will be shared for the first time. Questions, comments, and suggestions on how to improve the OAC Wiki are welcome.

OA Debug/Diff: Two Si2-developed debugging tools will be shown. Si2oaD enables complete visualization of OpenAccess persistent or run-time data, exporting in readable XML or as active HTML in a browser GUI. Si2oaD can be injected into an executable and called from inside a C++ debugger to penetrate class data-hiding. Si2dff is a customizable engine that compares individual OA Objects or complete OA Libs, reporting attribute and Object differences between them. Using unique "dff signatures", Si2dff canonically traverses all attributes and owned Objects in two contexts, passing "difference events" to any number of registered event handling "reporter" modules.

SoftJin Technologies: will be showcasing its Post Layout EDA Products that interface with OpenAccess. SoftJin develops Innovative and Customized Automation software for Electronic Design and Manufacturing. Post Tape-out Electronic Design Automation (EDA) is a special focus area where SoftJin offers several Software Products and Software Components that address the challenges associated with IC Layout and Mask Data Processing and Analysis at 65nm technology and below. SoftJins software products also serve as embedded components, Analysis and productivity enhancement tools for Lithography and Inspection equipments. As an EDA software development services company, SoftJin offers OpenAccess based EDA tool and tool flow development services to semiconductor and EDA companies.

See more information about SoftJin at http://www.softjin.com.

Synopsys: will demo Custom Designer, which leverages Synopsys' Galaxy Design Platform to provide a unified solution for custom and digital designs. Custom Designer delivers a familiar user interface while integrating a common use model for simulation, analysis, parasitic extraction and physical verification. It is the first-ever implementation solution built natively on the OpenAccess database for legacy designs as well as a new componentized infrastructure offering unprecedented openness and interoperability with process design kits (PDKs) from leading foundries. Key modules include a schematic editor featuring on-canvas editing and dynamic net highlighting, and a full featured layout editor. The simulation environment provides a common use model allowing access to Synopsys simulators, including HSPICE(r), HSIM(r) XA, NanoSim(r) XA and WaveView Analyzer. In addition, Custom Designer is integrated with Hercules(tm) DRC/LVS and Star-RCXT(tm) parasitic extraction releases that are also on OpenAccess.

SpringSoft and Pyxis - OpenEngines: Pyxis Technology and SpringSoft will demonstrate a fully hierarchical, advanced custom digital design platform based on SpringSoft's Laker layout editing environment and the Pyxis NexusRoute router. This is the industry's first multi-vendor solution using a shared OpenAccess Run-Time-Model (OA-RTM). Special emphasis will be placed on the use of the OpenEngines" architecture, which enables users to mix best-in-class point tools in a single Unix process.

The 13th Si2/OpenAccess+ Conference will showcase a wide variety of presentations and demos that will demonstrate recent and pervasive OpenAccess adoption among end-users, IDM's, fabless/fab-lite companies, and EDA companies. The keynote speaker will be Lucio Lanza, a luminary in the EDA industry who has funded numerous EDA startups that use OpenAccess. Click here for the full agenda http://www.si2.org/?page=981.

Registration is $125 for Si2 members and $150 for non-members. Register on-line, http://www.si2.org/?page=695 or click here for a mail/fax registration form, http:/www.si2.org/?page=935.

About Si2

Si2 is an organization of industry-leading semiconductor, systems, EDA and manufacturing companies focused on improving the way integrated circuits are designed and manufactured in order to speed time-to market, reduce costs, and meet the challenges of sub-micron design. Si2 is uniquely positioned to enable collaboration through a strong implementation focus driven by its member companies. Si2 focuses on developing practical technology solutions to industry challenges. Si2 represents nearly 100 companies involved in all parts of the silicon supply chain throughout the world.

NOTE: Demonstration descriptions were provided by the respective companies/organizations.


Silicon Integration Initiative
William Bayer, 512-342-2244, ext. 304