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CMiC Releases the Next Generation of Interoperability Tools: CMiC Real Time Integration

TORONTO — (BUSINESS WIRE) — April 27, 2009 CMiC, the leader in providing software solutions for the architectural, engineering and construction industry (AEC), unveiled a tool that allows for the bi-directional updating of databases via XML standards. Called CMiC Real Time Integration (RTI), the tool flows data entered into the general contractor’s system to the Owner’s system by Internet and XML protocols, allowing for different systems to seamlessly communicate.

“The business implications of this are massive,” said Bassem Hamdy, vice president, solutions, CMiC. “Imagine that when an Owner mandates a system, the general contractor can comply by simply turning on CMiC Real Time Integration and sending electronic data to the Owner while simultaneously updating the GC’s database. CMiC RTI doesn’t just create records in both databases, but it updates them both as well, which means that when an Owner is answering an RFI in their system, the answer is appearing, in real-time, in the general contractor’s system.”

XML provides a basic syntax that can be used to share information between different kinds of computers, different applications and different organizations without needing to pass through many layers of conversion. CMiC RTI will save countless hours by eliminating the need to re-enter information into different systems when collaborating on a project. The elimination of data re-entry will increase data accuracy, improve productivity and enhance collaboration. CMiC RTI is currently bi-directly communicating with two CMiC Project Management databases, but in the future CMiC RTI will also support multiple platforms through standard XML formats such as AGCxml.

“CMiC strongly believes that a company should continue to run one system for their business development, financial operations and document management requirements,” said Hamdy, speaking of CMiC’s fully integrated approach. “What CMiC RTI does is give CMiC clients an edge on a project when an Owner is mandating a system that is not CMiC Project Management. This competitive advantage is unparalleled in the AEC industry.”

About CMiC

CMiC is the leader in creating the most complete, integrated and advanced enterprise-wide software solutions for the AEC industry. Designed to enhance your company’s efficiency, CMiC’s technologically superior solutions allow organizations to streamline processes and maximize profitability. CMiC brings experience and industry expertise to each project and continuously pushes for innovative solutions.


Greg Devine, 416-736-0123 ext 315
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