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Spatial Insights Now Offering New Housing Development GIS Data

Bethesda, MD, May 8, 2009 – Spatial Insights has partnered with DataMap Intelligence to offer two new advanced information-tracking applications, DataMap STREETS and DataMap MAPS, which will keep users abreast with each and every new emerging residential development across the United States and Canada.

DataMap STREETS is a real-time tracking solution that catches every new street as it comes into creation, allowing geographic data collectors to bypass the typical indexing lag inherent in other mapping technologies.

Updated bimonthly, DataMap STREETS includes developer data and street center lines with address ranges, centroid points for rooftop geocoding, the development boundary, latitude/longitude coordinates of the development entrance and MSA location. Parcel attributes cover the ID, area, perimeter and acreage of each parcel. Details about the community include name of developer, year built, home type, average number, square footage, and sales price of homes in the development.

DataMap MAPS provides the most up-to-date, accurate representation of the detailed road network across the United States and Canada. DataMap MAPS digital map data offer accuracy and detail not available elsewhere and will include virtually every street throughout North America. Simply put, DataMap MAPS is a digital mapping solution which will include street centerlines of every street, an added benefit over what is currently available via Tele Atlas or Navteq.

“The particular value of DataMap STREETS is its currency. Our customers can have the most recently built roads and communities integrated into their maps and analysis much more quickly than those not using DataMap STREETS,” said Don Segal, president of Spatial Insights. “The bottom line is that better data make better decisions.”

“We understand that companies, whether they are in the real estate industry or social services sector, cannot rely on inaccurate and obsolete data,” said Charlie Schwab, CEO of DataMap Intelligence. “With our innovative data collection solutions and applications, important business functions can now be based on science instead of guesswork, allowing our DataMap Intelligence users to be far ahead of the competition.”

DataMap STREETS and MAPS are available in most commonly used GIS formats and in the map projection of choice. Product information, including samples, is available at: http://www.spatialinsights.com/catalog/product.aspx?product=1259

About Spatial Insights, Inc.
Spatial Insights is a geographic information services company specializing in innovative project consulting and mapping services, customized software solutions and data products for commercial organizations. Additional information is available at www.spatialinsights.com.

About DataMap Intelligence
Headquartered in Howell, New Jersey, DataMap Intelligence is a complete and comprehensive data tracking company that collects and distributes data pertaining to new residential development across North America. There are thousands of new residential developments created each year, most of which are built on freshly minted streets, consequentially making it very difficult to remain abreast with the influx of new street location and housing data. Its data are of the highest quality and are designed for companies associated with real estate, retail site selection, mapping technology, location based services, demographic prediction and the financial sector. More information can be found at www.datamapintel.com.

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