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COADE Webinar on Using PV Fabricator for Developing Vessel Fabrication Drawings Scheduled for July 16

HOUSTON — (BUSINESS WIRE) — June 30, 2009 COADE announced today that a webinar is scheduled for July 16 at 12 noon CDT on “Developing Vessel Fabrications Drawings using PV Fabricator.” Participants will learn how to improve the speed, accuracy and consistency of their pressure vessel fabrication deliverables and how COADE PV Elite analysis information can be used by COADE PV Fabricator to accurately populate drawings, details, nozzle schedules, drawings boarders, bills of material and other fabrication deliverables. This COADE Webinar Series event, produced by the PV Elite development team, will feature Chris Schiller, Technical Sales Representative - Plant Engineering Solutions at COADE.


A webinar registration form is at https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/404541361, and information on the webinar is at http://coade.typepad.com/cadworx/2009/06/webinar-july-16th-1200pm-cst-developing-vessel-fabrication-drawings-using-pv-fabricator.html. Information on COADE and its products can be found at www.coade.com.


COADE, Inc. is a provider of software for multiple plant design and engineering disciplines. COADE's aims are that design and engineering should share relevant information seamlessly, thereby maintaining accuracy and improving efficiency. COADE's product line conforms to those goals and includes: CAESAR II, the world's most widely used pipe stress analysis software; PV Elite for pressure vessel and heat exchanger design and analysis; CADWorx Plant Design Suite for intelligent plant design modeling, process schematics and automatic production of plant design deliverables; and TANK for the design and analysis of oil storage tanks. COADE, CAESAR II, CADWorx, PV Elite, CodeCalc and TANK are registered trademarks or trademarks of COADE, Inc. For more information, visit www.coade.com.



For COADE, Inc.
Gary Carson, 1-713-668-8550
Email Contact
Vornel Walker, 1-281-890-4566