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Reportlinker Adds 3D TV Market Development Outlook, 2010 and Beyond

NEW YORK, Jan. 25 — (PRNewswire) — Reportlinker.com announces that a new market research report is available in its catalogue:

3D TV Market Development Outlook, 2010 and Beyond


With the increasing number of 3D movies, 3D technology featuring the use of special glasses could stimulate the demand for 3D content in the home. The use of 3D technology in home applications is emerging. This report analyzes the commercialization process of 3D TVs and the conditions required for further market development. It examines the development of key companies in the 3D TV sector, and provides a 3D TV market scale forecast for the period 2010-2013. Different possible development scenarios for the 3D TV market are also presented.

Table of Contents

1. Developments among Key Companies in the 3D TV Sector

1.1 3D Movies' Impact on TV Development Gradually Increasing

1.2 Major Panel Manufacturers

1.2.1 Current Products

1.2.2 Technology Blueprints 2000-2005 2005-2010 2010-2015 2015-2020 2020-2025

1.3 TV Manufacturers

1.3.1 Active Time Division Multiplexing Technology

1.3.2 Passive Polarization Division Multiplexing Technology

2. Development of the 3D TV Supply Chain

2.1 Industry Standards from Up- to Downstream Being Created

2.1.1 Scope 3D Production Methods 3D Compression Technology 3D Transmission Interface 3D Viewing Method

2.2 Increase Industry Competitiveness and Expand 3D Content through Popularity of 3D Movies

2.2.1 Sony Possesses Industry Solution Capabilities

2.2.2 Panasonic Has Advantages in Filming and Compression Technologies

2.3 Industry Chain Structure Undergoing Changes in All Segments

3. 3D TV Market Development Drivers

3.1 3D Movie Wave

3.2 3D TV Channel Broadcasts

3.3 Complete Digitization of 3D Content Platforms

3.4 3D Display Standards Are Being Aggressively Developed

3.5 Demand for Large Screens Met by High-generation Production Lines

4. 3D TV Market Scale Forecast and Development Scenarios

4.1 Market Scale Forecast

4.2 Development Scenarios

5. Market Opportunities and Development Bottlenecks

5.1 Market Opportunities

5.1.1 Content Producers Increase 3D Movies Re-release Original 2D Content in 3D

5.1.2 Broadcasters Start Broadcasting 3D Programs

5.1.3 Processor Chip Companies Develop Encoding Technology Compatible with Multiple Image Standards Continue to Research Technologies that Transfers 2D into 3D

5.1.4 TV Hardware Companies 3D Applications with Function Innovations Aggressively Roll Out 21:9 Specifications Promote TVs That Are "3D Ready"

5.2 Development Bottlenecks

5.2.1 Test Standards Not Yet Finalized and Consumer Awareness Insufficient

5.2.2 Copyright Regulations, Content Insufficient

5.2.3 3D Viewing Equipment Expensive

MIC Perspective


List of Topics

- Current and future development of key companies in the 3D TV sector, including display panel manufacturers and TV manufacturers

- Industry standard development in different areas

- Sony and Panasonic's strategies

- Future growth drivers for 3D TV development

- 3D TV market scale forecast until 2013

- Three different possible development scenarios for 3D TVs in the future

- Opportunities and challenges for future 3D TV development analyzed for different types of companies

- 20th Century Fox, 3ality, AUO, Blu-ray Disc Association, BS, BSkyB, Camera and Imaging Products Association, CMO, Columbia, CPT, Disney, Dolby Laboratories, DreamWorks, Eutelsat, Fox, France Telecom, HDMI Consortium, Hyundai, International Organization for Standardization, JVC, Korea Digital Satellite Broadcasting, LG, LGD, Metro Golden Mayer, Mitsubishi, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, NEC, NuVision, nVidia, Panasonic, Philips, Pixar, Real D, Samsung, Sanyo, SDI, Sharp, Silicon Image, Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers, Sony, TI, Time Warner, TMD, Ultra-Realistic Communication Forum, XPAND

List of Figures

Figure 1 3D Industry Standard Formulation

Figure 2 Sony's Complete 3D Solution

Figure 3 Development of Panasonic's 3D Home System

Figure 4 Worldwide 3D TV Market Scale, 2008 - 2013

Figure 5 3D TV Market Development Scenarios and Corresponding Growth Rates, 2009 - 2013

Figure 6 3D TV Future Development Bottlenecks

To order this report:

Television Broadcasting Industry: 3D TV Market Development Outlook, 2010 and Beyond

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Nicolas Bombourg


Email: nbo@reportlinker.com

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SOURCE Reportlinker

Nicolas Bombourg, Reportlinker
Email Contact +1-805-652-2626
Web: http://www.Reportlinker.com