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Three regional mapping companies initiate GDMA, a worldwide mapping alliance


Barcelona - February 18, 2010 - The mapping companies AND Automotive Navigation Data (Netherlands); EMG (China) and Orion (Dubai) received approval from their respective boards to join forces regarding their participation and contribution to the foundation of a Global Digital Mapping Alliance (GDMA) which will establish its Coordination center / Head office in the Netherlands.

On the short term the first objective of GDMA is a feasibility study towards (i) the needs from the market regarding an independent and neutral map data provider offering a worldwide navigable map database and (ii) the related technical /operational / financial consequences; in order to position GDMA in the marketplace.

The initiators of GDMA stress that various issues need to be addressed and answered before GDMA will start to deliver an uniform global map data base. At the moment no time line about map data availability can be disclosed. The aim of GDMA is to synchronize and integrate individual map databases of various mapping companies into ONE GLOBAL uniform Map database in such a way that the LBS/navigation market can profit from improved usability / accessibility of map data and a shorter time-to-market worldwide. Mapping companies which joined this initiative are at the moment: AND (map data coverage of W.Europe with over 350 M people) , EMG (map data coverage of whole Great China with approx 1.300 M people) and Orion (map data coverage of Middle East and North Africa with ca. 325 M people). Subject to a positive result of this feasibility study it is expected that more regional mapping companies will be involved to speed up the global map coverage of GDMA.

Ultimately; all regional mapping companies combined in GDMA, as A NEUTRAL /INDEPENDENT map supplier, want to offer the market a global map database that enables the high performance of a wide scope of applications / services such as Navigation, Telematics, Location-based-Services, mobile / Web - based services, etc. etc.

For further information / communication please have a look at the website www.gdma.biz or contact at Email Contact.

More about the initiating mapping companies (in alphabetic order):

AND Automotive Navigation Data focuses on its' strategy as the third largest supplier in its market - but the only independent one - to create value on the long term for its customers / stakeholder by offering the digital maps for location based services (LBS). The company focuses on accelerating further development of its advanced database to position itself even stronger in the market. AND was founded in 1984 and is listed on NYSE Euronext Amsterdam AND. ( http://www.and.com)

EMG is a privately owned company, founded in 1997 and one of the earliest mapping companies in China producing first class navigable map data based on its the National A-Class qualification certificate from Chinese Authorities. (State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping). Over the years EMG became leading in offering map data which covers whole Great China; is more detailed; better and more frequent updated . Therefore EMG quality is ranked in the top by Authoritative Industry Association. The production process are reliable and of high performance. All this made EMG a trustworthy map supplier in the Automotive markets. In addition EMG has completed data - software integration with the major domestic and international application software providers for navigation, LBS, GIS, etc. This makes EMG as the fastest growing mapping company in the burgeoning China's Navigation and LBS markets. ( http://www.emapgo.com.cn)

Orion is the leading mapping company in Middle east and North Africa. With a detailed map data coverage and presence in 14 countries it is able to serve a main part of the Arabic speaking population of this world. During its 6 years of existence it has developed professional experience in mapping to enable the wide scope of navigation-, GIS - Web - and LBS applications / services. This next to a good knowledge of local markets / cultures along with a solid network of contacts to supports the performance of its customers applications /services. ( http://www.orion-me.com)
