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For Third Year, CH2M HILL Named to Ethisphere's 2011 "World's Most Ethical Companies"

DENVER, CO -- (MARKET WIRE) -- Mar 16, 2011 -- CH2M HILL, a global full-service consulting, design, construction, and operations firm, has been recognized by the Ethisphere Institute as one of the 2011 World's Most Ethical Companies. Out of a record number of nominations, CH2M HILL secured a hard-earned spot on the list by going the extra mile and implementing business practices and initiatives that are instrumental to the company's success, benefit the community, and raise the bar for ethical standards within the industry.

"Doing our work ethically and treating our clients, colleagues, and communities we serve with civility and respect is core to the way we live and do work," say Lee McIntire, CH2M HILL chairman and CEO. "This recognition is an honor and testament to the dedication of our 23,000 global employees to conduct business in the most ethical manner."

As CH2M HILL continues to monitor and strengthen its programs, the company is proud of the progress made in 2010 in these areas:

Chief Legal Officer Margaret McLean says, "Our ongoing focus on governance enhances our ability to ensure that we live up to our company's core values. Our leadership team believe that it takes more than simple rules to maintain sound ethical practices over the long haul -- it requires commitment to fundamental values that we reinforces every day. As we grow, expand our global presence, and the complexity of our business, we recognize that it is ever more important to stay vigilant about ethics in everything we do."

"As companies strive to maintain a competitive advantage, good ethics translate into better business, and better business means better bottom lines. CH2M HILL recognizes the important role that principled practices play in brand reputation, which ultimately is the most valuable asset for a corporation," said Alex Brigham, Executive Director of the Ethisphere Institute. "Each year, the competition gets more intense for the World's Most Ethical Companies and this year was no exception with a record number of organizations vying for this distinguished honor. Ethisphere congratulates CH2M HILL on being one of the World's Most Ethical Companies for 2011."

The methodology for the WME ranking includes reviewing codes of ethics, litigation and regulatory infraction histories; evaluating the investment in innovation and sustainable business practices; looking at activities designed to improve corporate citizenship; and studying nominations from senior executives, industry peers, suppliers and customers. Read about the methodology and view the complete list of the 2011 World's Most Ethical Companies.

Headquartered near Denver, Colorado, USA, employee-owned CH2M HILL is a global leader in consulting, design, design-build, operations, and program management for government, civil, industrial and energy clients. The firm's work is concentrated in the areas of water, transportation, environmental, energy, facilities and resources. With US$6.3 billion in revenue and 23,000 employees, CH2M HILL is an industry-leading program management, construction management and design firm, as ranked by Engineering News-Record and named a leader in sustainable engineering by Verdantix. The firm has been named a FORTUNE 100 Best Companies to Work For five times. Visit us at www.ch2mhill.com, twitter.com/ch2mhill and facebook.com/ch2mhill.

About Ethisphere Institute
The research-based Ethisphere Institute is a leading international think-tank dedicated to the creation, advancement and sharing of best practices in business ethics, corporate social responsibility, anti-corruption and sustainability. The Institute's associated membership groups, the Ethisphere Council and Business Ethics Leadership Alliance, are forums for business ethics that includes over 200 leading corporations, universities and institutions. These groups are dedicated to the development and advancement of members through increased efficiency, innovation, tools, mentoring, advice, and unique career opportunities. Ethisphere Magazine, which publishes the globally recognized World's Most Ethical Companies Ranking™, is the quarterly publication of the Institute. Ethisphere provides the only third-party verifications of compliance programs and ethical cultures, Ethics Inside Certification®, Anti-Corruption Leader Verification and Compliance Program Verification. More information on the Ethisphere Institute, including ranking projects and membership, can be found at http://www.ethisphere.com.

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CH2M HILL Contact: 
John Corsi
(720) 286.2087

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Ethisphere Contact:
Emily Parker
(212) 446-1889

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