This latest set is another example of me diving into making conforming clothes- in this case I‘ve made the same outfit, a vest and pair of harem-style pants, for three different characters, and I‘m providing it in three nearly-identical bundles.
This particular bundle contains both dynamic and conforming vest and pants for V4, with a set of hopefully-useful materials.
Legalities- Permission granted to use in commercial or noncommercial renders, but not to distribute alone or as part of a collection without prior written permission.
File List-
Runtime:Libraries/Character/BrainGuy Clothing:
V4 Harem Pants.cr2 V4 Harem Vest.pmd
V4 Harem Pants.obj V4 Harem Vest.cr2 V4 Harem Vest.png
V4 Harem Pants.png V4 Harem Vest.obj
Runtime:Libraries/Materials/BrainGuy Clothing/Harem Outfit:
Harem Pants Default Rose.mc6 Harem Vest Default Rose-Brown.mc6
Harem Pants Default Rose.png Harem Vest Default Rose-Brown.png
Harem Pants Pink Paisley.mc6 Harem Vest Leather-Black.mc6
Harem Pants Pink Paisley.png Harem Vest Leather-Black.png
Harem Pants Purple Curly.mc6 Harem Vest Pink Paisley-Leather.mc6
Harem Pants Purple Curly.png Harem Vest Pink Paisley-Leather.png
Harem Vest BrownWoven-Black.mc6
Harem Vest BrownWoven-Black.png
Runtime:Libraries/Props/Clothing/Dynamic/Harem Outfit:
V4 DYN Harem Pants.png V4 DYN Harem Vest.pp2
V4 DYN Harem Pants.pp2 V4 DYN Harem Vest.png
Runtime:Textures/BrainGuyClothing/Harem Outfit:
HaremPants-trans.png HaremVest_Diffuse-Floral-Brown.png
HaremPants_Curly-trans.png HaremVest_Diffuse-Floral-Red.png
HaremPants_Paisley-trans.png HaremVest_Diffuse-Red-Brown.png
HaremPants_PinkPaisley-diff.png HaremVest_DiffuseSample1.png
HaremPants_PurpleCurly-diff.png HaremVest_Leather-Black.png
HaremPants_Rose-diff.png HaremVest_Leather-bump.png
HaremVest_Black-Leather.png HaremVest_LooseWeave-bump.png
HaremVest_Burlap&Black.png HaremVest_MainMask.png
HaremVest_Burlap-Black.png HaremVest_PinkPaisley-Leather.png
HaremVest_Diffuse-Berry-Red.png HaremVest_TrimMask.png
HaremVest_Diffuse-Brown-Red.png P6JHaremPants_diffuse-Moire-Brown.png
HaremPants_map.pdf HaremVest_map.pdf
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