Sometimes life is messy. Sometimes there are clothes on the floor, or draped over the furniture. Here are some of those clothes, thanks to the Cloth Room and a few old clothing meshes I created a few years back. I‘ve done some simple materials and thrown it all together for your random decorating pleasure.
NB- These aren‘t *wearable* in their current form- they exist solely as props for your housekeeping-impaired Poser people to leave around on floors and furniture.
Legalese- These files are free to use in commercial or noncommercial renders, but not to redistribute in whole or in part without prior written permission.
File List-
Dropped Nightie.png Nightie On Chair.png T-Shirt On Chair 1.png
Dropped Nightie.pp2 Nightie On Chair.pp2 T-Shirt On Chair 1.pp2
Dropped Pants.png PantsOnChair-1.png T-Shirt On Chair 2.png
Dropped Pants.pp2 PantsOnChair-1.pp2 T-Shirt On Chair 2.pp2
Dropped T-Shirt.png PantsOnChair-2.png
Dropped T-Shirt.pp2 PantsOnChair-2.pp2
Camo Pants.mc6 Leafy Shirt.mc6 Paisley Shirt.mc6
Camo Pants.png Leafy Shirt.png Paisley Shirt.png
Green Frog Shirt.mc6 Nightie Lace 1.mc6 Tweed Pants.mc6
Green Frog Shirt.png Nightie Lace 1.png Tweed Pants.png
Jeans.mc6 Nightie Lace 2.mc6
Jeans.png Nightie Lace 2.png
HER Nightie Lace Diff.png Posette Pants Camo 1.png
HER Nightie Lace Trans.png Posette pants tweed-diff.png
JamesGreenPaisleyShirt-diff.png PosetteJeans-diff.png
NightieLace2-diff.png TShirtBrightLeaves-diff.png
NightieLace2-trans.png TShirtGreenFrog-diff.png
HER Nightie map.png James T-Shirt map.png Posette pants map.png
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And now I'm thinking of all the things I'd put in a second set- overflowing laundry baskets, loose socks, things like that.