by: yasmeenjahan
Added 17 years ago
Format: 3D Studio (.3ds), 3ds max (.max), DirectX (.X), OBJ (.obj)
Categories: Characters, Fantasy, Objects, Products, Sci-Fi/Space
Usage Rights: Limited use with credits
Yasmeen Jahan »
Portfolio | Gallery | More 3D Models |Added 17 years ago
M4a1an Pws4 is render in vray 3dsmax 9 and its gameready with 3ds,max9,obj,Direct X 3d file formats with textures
Format: 3D Studio (.3ds), 3ds max (.max), DirectX (.X), OBJ (.obj)
Categories: Characters, Fantasy, Objects, Products, Sci-Fi/Space
Usage Rights: Limited use with credits
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the modelling lacks good form. looks like it was drawn out with thew line tool, then extruded out, with minimal effort given to smoothing off the edges. (handle, stock)
the texture is pretty bad. looks like the whole thing was painted with gloopy fake chrome paint.