by: ellpro
EllPro »
Gallery | More Poser | 
Added 16 years ago
Format: Poser (.pz2), Poser Face (.fc2, .fcz), Other
Usage Rights: Non-commercial use only
Categories: Characters
EllPro »
Gallery | More Poser | 
Added 16 years ago
Once upon a time there was an artist called Moggadeet. He was so skilled with Poser he was able to make faces that resembled famous people. Everyone loved … more »
Format: Poser (.pz2), Poser Face (.fc2, .fcz), Other
Usage Rights: Non-commercial use only
Categories: Characters
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I keep good notes when I move files from the Freebie folder on my drives, however I made no mention of these famous files!!!
I remember these. Good to see them out here again. I will have to dig up the old meshes they were made for and reinstall them. Are there textures etc for these morphs as well?
"File has no restrictions ... Commercial use is at your own risk."
sorry that i am posting this here, but only because the mail-sent version from sharecg still doesnt't work:
i am still searching a content-creator who is able and will create a morph (and hair if possible) for Richard Wagner. At the moment there is "high-time" of the Richard-Wagner-Feststpiele in our town and i can't make cartoons with Richard. This is too bad. Can more …
Showing my age here..
Captain Renault - Claude Rains - "Round up the usual suspects."
What fun,thank you xx
Gieco cave man sort of,
But all others I have no clue