This is a little perl script that removes all settings from an fc2 or pz2 file except the basic M4 expressions. It also has an alternate mode where you can "invert" operation and destroy the expressions, but keep everything else. For, um, character faces I guess.
This script requires you to have Perl already installed on your computer. Perl is free, and available for MANY operating systems.
Usage is pretty simple, as command line goes -
Open command prompt.
change to the directory where your pz2 or fc2 is stored.
Type in the following command:
perl --source myfile.pz2 --dest mynewfile.pz2
If you want to run the inverse mode, add --invert
For simplest operation, just move the script to wherever your Fc2s or Pz2s are before running, otherwise you'll need to provide the path to the perl script (simple, but requires lots of typing), or put its location in your PATH variable (which is different in every version of windows and I have NO idea how to do that in Mac so I can't help you th
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