by: jasmineskunk
Jasmine Skunk »
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Added 15 years ago
Format: Poser (.pz2), Poser Face (.fc2, .fcz), Poser Light (.lt2, .ltz), Poser Mats, Poser Shader/Texture (.mc6)
Usage Rights: Unrestricted use
Categories: Other
Jasmine Skunk »
Gallery | More Poser | 
Added 15 years ago
Thank you for downloading Toy Fur Character Kit for Poser 5 or higher. :)
Toy Fur Character Kit is a collection of Morphs, MAT Poses, Figure Poses, and … more »
Format: Poser (.pz2), Poser Face (.fc2, .fcz), Poser Light (.lt2, .ltz), Poser Mats, Poser Shader/Texture (.mc6)
Usage Rights: Unrestricted use
Categories: Other
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Raters : 9 Views: 2,839 Downloaded: 343 |
The little girl is Maddie 3 from DAZ Preschoolers. Her textures are a mish-mash of various V3 characters I have. :)
Original and quite cute. :-)
Great job on the promotional image as well.
...but if something I have done here inspires you...
...tickles your muse...
...teaches you...
...or helps you in any way...
...than I am HAPPY! :D
Do you have to give credit or some annoying website? Nope.
Can you use part of it to make something yourself! YES!
Can you sell what you make? SURE! :D
Now, of course, I don't want anyone to take MY package and resell it. And if you do use part of it as a merchant resource, I would expect you to follow the guidelines of any merchant res
Hi again everyone. :D There has been some question about using the textures in this package for commercial use, so I want to try to clarify to avoid any confusion. :D This is a FREE package. You can do whatever you want with it.
Can you use the .jpg's as a merchant resource? SURE!
Do you have to give credit or some annoying website? Nope.
Can you use part of it to make somethi
Make sure you have "Turn Displacement MATS on" during rendering to get the fluffy effect! :D Hope you guys like it....Not sure it's ready yet.