by: pgmeri01
Added 14 years ago
Format: Poser (.pz2), Poser Material (.mts, .mzs.mc6, .mcz. .bum ...), Poser Mats, Poser Shader/Texture (.mc6), Other
Usage Rights: Unrestricted use
Categories: Materials, Props, Scenes, Textures
3-d-c »
Portfolio | Gallery | More Poser |Added 14 years ago
this is a texture pack add on to turn the Standard Apartment into a rotten realm. Need a dark place for some creepy adventure? here comes the texture … more »
Format: Poser (.pz2), Poser Material (.mts, .mzs.mc6, .mcz. .bum ...), Poser Mats, Poser Shader/Texture (.mc6), Other
Usage Rights: Unrestricted use
Categories: Materials, Props, Scenes, Textures
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Raters : 21 Views: 6,284 Downloaded: 1,383 |
I wish that whoever gave this add-on a low rating would have also taken the time out to explain why they did so - the rating on its own means nothing. Is it due to a fault in the package that needs rectifying or is it merely a case of jeaslousy?