by: terrymcg

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Added 14 years ago

Cosplay Costume 3 for Vicky4 This costume includes 5 conforming figures : -Choker -Top -Pants -Gloves -Straps They are all located in runtime:libraries:character:cosplay … more »

Format: Poser Figure (.cr2 .crz)
Usage Rights: Unrestricted use
Categories: Clothing
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JOSFBI (1 year ago)Inappropriate?
Thank you very much GOOD CONTRIBUTION
Fujiko (11 years ago)Inappropriate?
Thank you for sharing!
thetree (11 years ago)Inappropriate?
This is so cool how do you make this stuff. so cool
thanks so much
Grittlie (11 years ago)Inappropriate?
tipboy (12 years ago)Inappropriate?
Thanks a lot for sharing!
tipboy (12 years ago)Inappropriate?
Thanks a lot for sharing!
tipboy (12 years ago)Inappropriate?
Thanks a lot for sharing!
tipboy (12 years ago)Inappropriate?
Thanks a lot for sharing!
tipboy (12 years ago)Inappropriate?
Thanks a lot for sharing!
tipboy (12 years ago)Inappropriate?
Thanks a lot for sharing!
Sleepydragon (12 years ago)Inappropriate?
Thank you very much for sharing! :)
McGyver (12 years ago)Inappropriate?
Very Cool!
Tjeb (13 years ago)Inappropriate?
Like it. Thank you for sharing.
GrouchoCaesar (13 years ago)Inappropriate?
Thank you.
mariusthered (14 years ago)Inappropriate?
fleet (14 years ago)Inappropriate?
The update ( works great, no p[roblems with the top colors.
fleet (14 years ago)Inappropriate?
Thanks for the prompt response. I've just finished downloading the update.
Very respectfully,
TerryMcG (14 years ago)Inappropriate?
Here is the update:
fleet (14 years ago)Inappropriate?
Is the update what is posted here, or is it at some other site?
By the way, the pants, gloves, straps, choker, and boots work fine in DAZ. Only the colors for the top are messed up.
very respectfully,
TerryMcG (14 years ago)Inappropriate?
Did you download the update? None of my freebies are designed to work with Daz studio ,only poser, I'm afraid.
fleet (14 years ago)Inappropriate?
The colors on the top don't look right in DAZ, and they don't render correctly. :(
Am I the only one with this problem?
fleet (14 years ago)Inappropriate?
The raynetop.obj file was not where the cd2 file said it should be. I had to do a search to find it and copy it into the proper location.
chaosfamily666 (14 years ago)Inappropriate?
i love this shit:-)
Bizon (14 years ago)Inappropriate?
Thank you for sharing with the community!
tangofool (14 years ago)Inappropriate?
I have to say that you do some of the most incredible costumes I've seen. Thank you for all you do.
BWSman (14 years ago)Inappropriate?
Excellent; I have a version for V3 and now one for V4.
gateshots (14 years ago)Inappropriate?
Been looking everywhere for a Bloodrayne costume.And here it is!!!Thank you very much.
Countessa_Jay (14 years ago)Inappropriate?
awesome thank you i love your items
icevals (14 years ago)Inappropriate?
Rbug02 (14 years ago)Inappropriate?
Thanks for the quick response... I appreciate it.... Still one of your better looking peices for sure.. Not familiar with this clothing line but hey its cool
TerryMcG (14 years ago)Inappropriate?
Thanks for letting me know, Rbug02. I fixed the problem. The suit should load fine now. Just re-download the file.
I may have to take you up on your offer.
Rbug02 (14 years ago)Inappropriate?
well its a fantastic costume but the top will not load for me for some reason... not sure why... but hey if you need someone to beta test your stuff I can give it a whirl..... I do some for commercial items so why not a freebie too
Sleepydragon (14 years ago)Inappropriate?
Wow, looks better than in the movie! ;)
Greymom (14 years ago)Inappropriate?
Outstanding! Many thanks!
shorterbus (14 years ago)Inappropriate?
Exceptional! Thank you!
William01 (14 years ago)Inappropriate?
"Holy Smokes!"
Really nice job. Thankyou.
blustar27 (14 years ago)Inappropriate?
super cool :D
infinity10 (14 years ago)Inappropriate?
love this
Projectionist (14 years ago)Inappropriate?
Awesome stuff,thanks for sharing.
yungturk39 (14 years ago)Inappropriate?
Freakin' SWEET! You do amazing work!!!
TerryMcG (14 years ago)Inappropriate?
You're welcome and thanks. No, I haven't made either Psylocke's or Storm's costumes yet. But maybe after I finish some other projects I might try to make them. Psylocke's costume seems not that difficult to make.
tallenblk (14 years ago)Inappropriate?
thanks so much - u r very talented. I love your WW suit.
Do you have a Storm or Psylocke?
TerryMcG (14 years ago)Inappropriate?
Thanks. The hair is "Angel hair" from RDNA.
SpookieLilOne (14 years ago)Inappropriate?
This is awesome!
What hair is she wearing?

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