Thank you for looking at my 1st demo. I've studied Computer Graphics and the C.G. field for the past 6 years. I am experienced with most major computer graphics concepts and 3D graphics programs. I use PhotoShop, Maya, and ZBrush on a daily basis. I naturally like being knowledgeable of new technologies, techniques, and programs. These have helped me develop a keen perception for pattern recognition and visual detail in my personal work. In addition I have Internet information researching skills. If you would like me the help you with your company or project write or message me.
My major goals are to make educational video games, feature films, and if possible create a High Performance Computing Device.
//The Piston Speaker was accomplished with constraints connected to objects with offset rotation points and driven by this expression:
float $speed = PistonSpeaker.PistonRev;
Driving_Hinge_exp.rotateX = $speed * 360;
concaveCone1.translateZ = clamp (-1.5,1.4,(sin(noise(frame)*$speed)));
//The 2 Matrix particle trails where shaped by this expression:
particleShape2.userScalar1PP = mag(particleShape2.position);
if (particleShape2.age "greater than" 2)
particleShape2.radiusPP = smoothstep(0,3,particleShape2.age+0.350)+(sin(particleShape2.age*10)*0.100)+0.300;
else if (particleShape2.age "greater than" 2)
particleShape2.radiusPP = smoothstep(.8,3,particleShape2.age*0.7)+(sin(particleShape2.age*10)*0.500)+1;
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