Elder sister of Thranduil, King of the Elves of Mirkwood. �riolind�ived on her own in her Flet on the east side of the River Anduin that was called Greenwood the Great. She chose isolation from others of her kindred because of her affinity to all the creatures of the great forest and decided to devote her life to learning the languages of the animals and creatures which dwelled therein. Because of her life among the animals, �riolind�earned the deeper secrets of Nature that even her Silvan kin had not access to.
In 2509, Elladan and Elrohir, the twin sons of Elrond of Rivendell came to ask her for her help in rescuing their mother, Celebrain, who had been captured by Orcs near the Redhorn Gate of the Misty Mountains. She was so moved by their plight that she not only helped them rescue Celebrain, but continued for many years in their company pursuing Orcs and journeying into the wild. From time to time the three would ride in the company of Dunedain Rangers from the North.
�roilind�s Song of Mirkwood
In Greenwood, in Mirkwood
Seldom have walked the feet of men,
Few mortals have seen the light
That lies there ever, long and bright.
Anduin! Anduin!
Clear is the water of your source;
White is the star in your hand;
Unmarred, unstained is leaf and land
In Mirkwood I will dwell therein,
More fair than the thoughts of Mortal Men.
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