by: parrotdolphin

Parrotdolphin (Janet) »
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Added 14 years ago

This pack includes: - 2 crystal necklaces for V4. The necklaces come in the following 3 forms: a) Super Conforming Necklace figures with the following … more »

Format: Poser (.pp2), Poser Figure (.cr2 .crz), Poser Material (.mts, .mzs.mc6, .mcz. .bum ...), Poser Mats, Poser Shader/Texture (.mc6)
Usage Rights: Unrestricted use
Categories: Clothing, Fashion, Female, Materials, Props
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segiva (3 years ago)Inappropriate?
yungturk39 (4 years ago)Inappropriate?
Awesome! Thank you!
Perpetual Revision (8 years ago)Inappropriate?
Wow -- this is exactly what I was looking for! Thanks so much!
anniekitties (8 years ago)Inappropriate?
So realistic, Thank You so much!
3dstories (9 years ago)Inappropriate?
Thank you! Very Professional Work.
GrouchoCaesar (10 years ago)Inappropriate?
Thank you.
RodsLair (10 years ago)Inappropriate?
Thanks, Janet! Your stuff is always top drawer!
savanna (11 years ago)Inappropriate?
Vielen Dank :)
caravelle (12 years ago)Inappropriate?
Thank you! I'm using these fine necklace very often!
EldritchCellar (12 years ago)Inappropriate?
Thank you so much, PD. All of your work is fantastic!
banditcameraman (12 years ago)Inappropriate?
Thank you so much for sharing =)
erniepie (12 years ago)Inappropriate?
Thank you! These necklaces are fantastic, but the MAT files are even better - I use them all the time. Keep up the good work!
insanetigger (13 years ago)Inappropriate?
Thank you this is awesome
StarLite Moon (13 years ago)Inappropriate?
Wonderful, thank you
Thebes (13 years ago)Inappropriate?
TY :)
Polyhedra (13 years ago)Inappropriate?
What beautiful work. Thank you.
anniekitties (13 years ago)Inappropriate?
Good Grief how generous, this is such a fabulous neclace and all these wonderful options. Thank you so much! Just so lovely!!
Parrotdolphin (Janet) (13 years ago)Inappropriate?
I won't be doing one for M4 but you could use the prop or the dynamic necklaces on M4 pretty easily with some scale and translate adjustments.
OrishaShango (13 years ago)Inappropriate?
Thanks so much... Is there a chance you could do one for M4???
AllenArt (13 years ago)Inappropriate?
Very beautiful. Thanks so much.
Jean-Jacques (13 years ago)Inappropriate?
Thank you
busby (13 years ago)Inappropriate?
Thank you for sharing
Tallulahdahling ; ) (13 years ago)Inappropriate?
These necklaces are wonderful. I use them a lot. So many options! Many thanks.
tg777 (13 years ago)Inappropriate?
Thank you very much!
JeanneM (13 years ago)Inappropriate?
Looking very good! Thank you so much for sharing.
Love, Jeanne
Nukecorner (13 years ago)Inappropriate?
Absolutely Gorgeous. Job Well done!!! Thanks
Jan (14 years ago)Inappropriate?
Wow! Amazing looking.
Countessa_Jay (14 years ago)Inappropriate?
kdraper (14 years ago)Inappropriate?
Thank you so much!!
Tallulahdahling ; ) (14 years ago)Inappropriate?
These are so lovely! I know that I will use them a lot. All those options are wonderful,and your generosity is much appreciated!
Teri Perkins (14 years ago)Inappropriate?
Very pretty! Thank you so much for sharing with us.
Christel (14 years ago)Inappropriate?
Thank you so much! This is exceptionally generous.
PilotHigh (14 years ago)Inappropriate?
Thanks so much!
BellaLuna (14 years ago)Inappropriate?
Just gorgeous!!!!! Thank you!
Valentin3D (14 years ago)Inappropriate?
Splendid, great job and many options! Thank you very much

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