by: arrowhead42

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Added 13 years ago

An early, much larger NON-RIGGED version of a flying wing I'm currently working on and hope to post soon. This was built in Wings 3D, and it's a .obj … more »

Format: OBJ (.obj), Wings 3D (.wings)
Categories: Aircraft, Military, Vehicles, Weapons
Usage Rights: Commercial renders OK, contents not for redistribution
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Mandle (8 years ago)Inappropriate?
Thank you.
GrouchoCaesar (13 years ago)Inappropriate?
Thank you.
Arrowhead42 (13 years ago)Inappropriate?
Yeah, I still have the site bookmarked - I'm working on two other models at the moment, so it'll take some time, but sure, I can give it a try. Just remind me here and there, or I'm likely to forget....
68fordfalcon (13 years ago)Inappropriate?
Pardon me, it stands for Light Machine Gun, I'm sorry.
68fordfalcon (13 years ago)Inappropriate?
If they could make a plane like this for real, and make it practical, hell, that would save a lot of time making a figher jet. One wing is a lot cheaper than two, I guess.

It was more of an early British assault rifle than anything. Do you still have the link I sent you to ? The Bren was marketed as a Large Machine Gun (LMG), supposed to compete with the MG42, but because of the more …
Arrowhead42 (13 years ago)Inappropriate?
Yeah, they did, Ford, but it wasn't anything like this one. This one is pure fiction.... but again, based on the one in Raiders of the Lost Ark. Soon, I'll have this one rigged as a figure for Poser, with working landing gear. It'll be a freebie, too.
The Bren LMG.... I'm not entirely familiar..... isn't that a British submachine gun of some kind?
68fordfalcon (13 years ago)Inappropriate?
Sweet! Did they ever actually get one to fly? I know there was a prototype, but other than that... hey, may I suggest another model? I think a Bren LMG would do nicely for a collection like this.
yatch (13 years ago)Inappropriate?
Time to break out the fedora and the bullwhip! Good work.....
Arrowhead42 (13 years ago)Inappropriate?
Sounds good, RangerJim.... let me know what you come up with - I'd love to see it! I've gotten sidetracked by work and school, but I'm still working on posting a slightly smaller, rigged version of the plane. I'll post it here when it's ready!
RangerJimK (13 years ago)Inappropriate?
Very nice work. Now that I've found some photos from a certain movie, as well as some pre-WW II cammie patterns, I'll have to try my hand at working up some textures in Bryce....
Jeremy Miller (13 years ago)Inappropriate?
Looks interesting enough to download, despite the rigging, textures, etc. Thanks!

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