"As the great Pharoh you sentenced the prisoners of war to a cruel death after another victorious war against your enemies. In a public show your defeated enemies will be feed to the sacred crocodiles. Petriefied by fear they have only to wait for her end, as the underwater-gate was opened and the first hungry reptiles came in..." The "Crocodile Pit" is another little, but mean prop for your runtime. It's up to you what you do with it. The set is made as an extension for the Poser/DS-model "The Kings Pass" ( http://www.daz3d.com/i/shop/itemdetails/?item=4171 ) by Redhouse Studios, available at DAZ3D, but it comes as .OBJ-files completely with its own textures and geometries and work well with all other premade sets, your self modeled items or as a stand-alone prop too. More infos in the "readme.pdf" that comes with the ZIP-file.
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