by: ockham

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Added 13 years ago

Where computing started!  See readme for more details.

Format: Poser (.pp2), Poser (.pz3), Poser Figure (.cr2 .crz)
Usage Rights: Commercial renders OK, contents not for redistribution
Categories: Architecture, Furniture, Historical, Props, Scenes
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Downloaded: 902

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Ockham (1 year ago)Inappropriate?
@Nik_52: That's fascinating! I'm always looking for new gadgets to model, and 'chordal' data entry is one of my favorites. Do you remember the name of it or any other info?
Nik_52 (1 year ago)Inappropriate?
There was another type of card-entry punch, resembling the 'shorthand' machines used by 'trad' court recorders. I salvaged one from our company's library when that was cleared...
Thebes (2 years ago)Inappropriate?
Thanks :)
android65mar (5 years ago)Inappropriate?
Many thanks
Tweedledumart (6 years ago)Inappropriate?
The start of the computer age. Great.
manekineko (7 years ago)Inappropriate?
beautiful model, thanks a lot! as a computer user/fan this could not be missed in my collection of your oldies - never read about hollerith either. so thx for the journey back too ^^
dzdeep (8 years ago)Inappropriate?
Thank you!!
Mandle (8 years ago)Inappropriate?
Thank you.
GrouchoCaesar (10 years ago)Inappropriate?
Thank you.
agose (10 years ago)Inappropriate?
Great work so kind of you to share.Thanks!
dogtor (11 years ago)Inappropriate?
very nice. thanks
banditcameraman (11 years ago)Inappropriate?
Thank you so much for sharing =)
Ankyn (12 years ago)Inappropriate?
Superb! Thank you.
Limnery (12 years ago)Inappropriate?
This is very awesome. Thank you!
mininessie (12 years ago)Inappropriate?
doundo (12 years ago)Inappropriate?
Many thanks for all your great models. Really appreciated :D
S L F (12 years ago)Inappropriate?
Thank you very much!
zatanna (12 years ago)Inappropriate?
Exilent, good for history or steampunk!
BTW, in a 1921 dictionary I have, a "calculator" is discribed as "one who calculates". There is no entry for "computer".
StarLite Moon (12 years ago)Inappropriate?
Thank you
Tjeb (13 years ago)Inappropriate?
Awesome model. Check, if you like, what I did with it, here in the art gallery or in my devianART gallery.
I gave the dials a more vintage color and I added IMO the stupidest invention in the computing world.
Thanks for sharing.
launok (13 years ago)Inappropriate?
Welcome back Ockham!
Thanks so much for this model. Very interesting!
Mustakettu85 (13 years ago)Inappropriate?
this is awesome!! I was just telling my students that we need to know history of technology to understand it well! thanks a lot for your amazing models!
Jeremy Miller (13 years ago)Inappropriate?
I find it fascinating that there even was a machine like it back then! Thanks for the model and the inherent history lesson that comes with it!
BardCoennius (13 years ago)Inappropriate?
Your early 20th Century props always great, always welcome as always. A shame more people weren't willing to support you by actually purchasing your stuff back when you were a merchant on Renderosity (I can relate).
NanetteTredoux (13 years ago)Inappropriate?
Thank you. I'll use this to make greeting cards for the nerds in my life!
Polyhedra (13 years ago)Inappropriate?
Beautiful. Thank you.
Goldenthrush (13 years ago)Inappropriate?
*squee!* Thank you!!
Anna Elkins (13 years ago)Inappropriate?
The iCabinet :o)
infinity10 (13 years ago)Inappropriate?
Seriously, that's how it looked like ? Wow.

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