This is a model of a simple Pouf Ottoman footstool, available in a variety of file fomats*, including several preset .obj files for more accurate scale …
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This is a model of a simple Pouf Ottoman footstool, available in a variety of file fomats*, including several preset .obj files for more accurate scale import to specific applicaitons. You are free to use or modify this object as you see fit for use in your scenes as an architectural prop, and it's free to use for both commercial and non commercial renders. The 3dsmax scene file works only with 3dsmax 2012 or higher. Poser scene file works only with Poser 2012 or higher. I did my best to provide as many specific file format scale conversions with the OBJ as I could. If you don't have the 2012 versions of either 3dsmax or Poser, I'm sorry, try importing one of the .OBJ files, or .3DS instead.
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